PHONE NUMBER: (416) 395-3250

GRADE RANGE: 9 to 12

Georges Vanier Secondary School's Mission Statement

Georges Vanier Secondary School (GVSS) is a dynamic learning environment with a wide variety of opportunities to meet the needs of all students. We host a full range of courses in all areas of the Ontario Curriculum. We are the home of the STEM+ program, a grade 9 -12 enriched program in Mathematics and Science that takes a Global, Social Justice perspective in the delivery of the curriculum.  As well, there are PROGRAM 2 ART, and three Specialist High Skills Major Programs (Aerospace, ADVANCE: Arts & Culture, and ICT) that attract students with different academic interests and passions.  
Vanier serves a highly diverse student population & we are dedicated to preparing students to be successful in the Global Economy.

At GVSS students are challenged to analyze, reason & communicate their ideas effectively. The school is equipped with amazing multi-media labs, music and art studios, a flight simulator and high technology production equipment including a 3D printer and laser cutter. We support all students; from those wishing to study rigorous enriched curriculum, to students with developmental challenges.
Georges Vanier strives to instill a strong sense of community service and civic engagement in our students . Ours students' responses to local and international crises are testimony to their belief in serving others less fortunate. GVSS is a place where students come first.


Students may choose from one of our three SHSM Programs; ADVANCE (Animation, Design, Visual Art & Creation Experience), ICT (Information Communication Technology), or AVIATION & AEROSPACE, and take advantage of the opportunity to focus on a career path that matches their skills & interests while allowing them to earn their Ontario Secondary School Diploma.  Students can earn valuable industry certifications including first aid/CPR and gain important practical skills through a co-operative education placement specific to their chosen SHSM.  

ADVANCE (Arts & Culture) - Links visual art skills with technology & industries such as animation, gaming, visual effects, architecture and design. Learn more at
ICT - Focuses on the development of foundational knowledge and application of skills specific to the ICT sector.
Aviation & Aerospace - Combines a rich mix of theory and experiential learning. Students use a flight simulator, wing-analyzing wind tunnel, and maintenance training software. It is the ideal program for students with an interest in aircraft piloting, aircraft construction and maintenance, airport operations/management.
For more information on SHSMs, click on this link.

More Information About Georges Vanier Secondary School


Vanier offers a special intensive program for students thinking seriously about pursuing post-secondary studies and careers in Visual Arts. PROGRAM 2 ART covers many aspects of art creation including drawing, painting, sculpture, 2D & 3D design, computer graphics, animation, linear and atmospheric perspective, art history, typography, and printmaking. 

Students are encouraged to enroll in many of the other courses offered by the Art Department such as Photography, Computer Graphics, and Ceramics.  Upon successful completion of PROGRAM 2 ART students are equipped with a solid portfolio and are well prepared for applying to post-secondary Visual Arts programs at art schools, colleges, and universities.


We are proud to serve a diverse student population and welcome English Language Learners (ELL) from various cultural and linguistic backgrounds.  We also welcome a large number of international students who enjoy calling Vanier their home away from home.    


Song writing and recording are at the core of what we do. We value modern music and song writing techniques that don’t rely on reading & writing of music notation. Students work in labs, rehearsal spaces and in one of the best recording studios in any high school! We do music, dance, poetry, graphics - about any kind of modern art and media you can imagine!


We work hard to use our creative energy and talent for a higher purpose – where good musicians can become great and where anyone with a passion for music can reach their potential. Students put together bands, small groups, solo acts, dance troupes and we perform at school assemblies, public events around town.  Our graduates have many opportunities available to them whether it’s post secondary music or production or moving directly into the arts industry.


Students interested in pursuing post secondary studies and careers in the area of Business have the option of earning a Business Specialist Certificate @ Vanier. Students wishing to take advantage of this opportunity also benefit from participating in a number of enrichment activities which are designed to further develop and enhance their classroom learning.  

SAGE – Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship: GVSS is proud of the demonstration of our student leadership exhibited through SAGE. Our Business students have participated in international contests. In 2011, they competed at the SAGE World Cup in Cape Town, South Africa, placing 3rd internationally and earning the Bronze medal for Environmental Stewardship. In July 2012, they placed 3rd from among 8 countries including China, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, and USA at the World Cup in San Francisco.

Additional Features

  • Black Students Association
  • SAGE Business Club
  • Drama Club
  • School-Wide Nutrition Program
  • Duke of Edinburgh Leadership Club
  • Student, Athletics, & Arts Councils
  • Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
  • Vanier Ambassadors & Peer Tutors

Student Life - Where You Belong


Students enjoy a vast array of co-curricular programs including clubs, leadership councils and sports teams. Some examples of these include:  SAGE – Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship, Van Arts Council, monthly Coffee House (Musical Performances), Student Council, Van Radio and Vanier Photography Club. Vanier sports teams include:  basketball, volleyball, soccer, cricket, baseball, badminton, water polo, ultimate Frisbee, cross country and more.

Drama, music, visual arts, physical and health education contribute to our being a triple "A" school i.e. Academics, Arts and Athletics.

Special events and assemblies could not happen without the excellent work of our skilled students who are part of the Vanier Stage Crew.

Among the highlights of student life at Vanier are our prom nights, school plays and our participation in drama festivals. Of particular note is our annual Vanier International Big Event (VIBE) - a weeklong multicultural celebration, marked by motivated student leadership, excitement and lots of learning.


Our Music Studio is one of the world’s finest public school music creation and production facilities. 
Vanier proudly offers the only AVIATION & AEROSPACE SHSM in the TDSB. 
Vanier students are able to earn a Focus on Information Technology (FIT) Certificate which is granted by the Information Technology Software Association (ITSA) and recognized by the IT Industry across Canada.
To date, all PROGRAM 2 ART graduates who have applied to Ontario College of Art and Design University have been accepted and gained early admission.
Vanier is an Advance Placement (AP) certified testing centre and currently offers the AP Calculus course.  Other AP courses will be added as the STEM+ students progress through their program. 


Our school council is active, knowledgeable and involved in school decision-making. The regular meetings feature a report from the principal, student leaders, a staff representative as well as discussions of school issues.  The school council works with the principal on organizing parenting seminars and workshops for the community.  Vanier encourages ongoing and regular contact with parents regarding attendance, grades, curriculum and important school-related topics.  Parents are encouraged to visit the Vanier website: