The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is proud to recognize Greek Heritage Month during the month of March. It has been celebrated across the school board since March 2015 when a motion was carried by at our Board of Trustees meeting. This heritage is also celebrated within the Province of Ontario because of the Hellenic Heritage Month Act, 2019 that was passed. This Act reads, in part:
March is a significant month for the Hellenic community and March 25 is celebrated each year as Greek Independence Day. Proclaiming March as Hellenic Heritage Month provides an opportunity to remember, celebrate and educate future generations about the outstanding achievements and contributions of the Hellenic Canadians in the province.
During the month of March, several activities will be shared to mark GHM. A poster contest was held and all students from the Toronto District School Board were invited to submit images that best reflected this year’s theme. The selected images are posted below.
The theme for this year is:
“Greek Thought and Civilization: From Myth to Logos”
«Eλληνική Σκέψη και Πολιτισμός: Από τον Μύθο στον Λόγο»
This year’s website includes “Daily Announcements” along with featured focussed days with activities.
2023/24 - Greek Heritage Month Announcements (March)
“Mythical Mondays”
“Technology Tuesdays”
“Wisdom Wednesdays”
“Theatrical Thursdays”
“Famous Fridays”
GHM 2024 Calendar of Daily Activities
Join us on Friday, March 22 for a Social Event at Floga Restaurant: GHM Social Event
Join us on Sunday, April 7 at 1:30 p.m. for the Greek Independence Day Parade on the Danforth (meet at 15 Phin Avenue at 1 p.m.).
Join us for the GHM Closing Event on Saturday, April 13th at the Greek Community Centre at 30 Thorncliffe Park Drive from 1 to 3 p.m.

Greek Heritage Month 2023