Toronto District School Board
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Toronto District School Board

Toronto Public Health: Reducing the Spread of Respiratory Infections in Schools

TDSB Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers,

Please find a message from Toronto Public Health (TPH) below, with information about reducing the spread of respiratory infections in schools. Thank you.

January 13, 2025

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Re: Reducing the Spread of Respiratory Infections in Schools

At this time of year, respiratory illness can be more common as people gather indoors. To help protect our school communities, staff, students, and visitors are reminded to:

What to do if you or your child are sick

If you or your child have symptoms of a respiratory virus, stay home. This means:

  • Stay home until you or your child have no fever and symptoms are improving for at least 24 hours (or 48 hours if you or your child have gastrointestinal symptoms such asvomiting and/or diarrhea).
  • The Ontario Ministry of Health advises that for 10 days after symptoms start, an ill person should wear a well-fitted, high-quality mask when out in public, including inschool and childcare.
  • Avoid visiting anyone who is immunocompromised or may be at higher risk of illness (for example, seniors).
  • Avoid non-essential visits to high-risk settings such as hospitals and long-term care homes.
  • Speak to your healthcare provider or call 8-1-1 if you have questions about you or your family’s health or if you are unsure where to access care.

More Information:


Dr. Michael Finkelstein
Deputy Medical Officer of Health
Health Protection