Toronto District School Board

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Toronto District School Board

Accommodation Systems Review

Categories: News

TDSB is committed to creating an equitable school system where the achievement and well-being of every student is fostered through culturally relevant learning experiences in diverse and accepting environments where everyone is included, every voice is heard, and every experience is valued.

TDSB retained Ethical Associates Inc. to examine practices in relation to a student experiencing intersecting issues based on mental health disability and race. Based on the review, recommendations were proposed to create a more inclusive, supportive, and equitable education system at TDSB. A copy of the Summary Report of the Accommodation Systems Review is available here.

These recommendations are being implemented across TDSB so that all students feel a sense of belonging in TDSB schools. This ongoing work includes:

  • Providing professional learning on universal design for learning (UDL) and culturally responsive and relevant pedagogy (CRRP) through a variety of mediums, including self-directed learning, drop-in sessions, after-school sessions, job-embedded sessions during the workday, and virtual or in-person sessions.
  • Creating parent/guardian/caregiver guides, available on the TDSB Special Education and Inclusion website.
  • Implementing Policy PO70 Student Leadership Policy, which furthers the Board’s commitment to engaging students and establishing the framework for an equitable, effective, and efficient student representation and leadership across TDSB.
  • The Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement offers various learning opportunities and experiences inclusive of culturally relevant and responsible pedagogy. This includes Life Education Program, Black Student Leadership Course, Youth Participatory Action Research Conference, Code to Creation Addressing Anti-Black Racism in Pedagogy and Practice Additional Qualifications, and many more.
  • TDSB Professional Support Services (PSS) has developed a user-friendly tool featuring over 1,000 Culturally Responsive & Relevant Resources, available here.
  • TDSB has developed a toolkit for Selecting Equitable and Culturally Relevant and Responsive Resources with the aim to promote student success, available here.
  • TDSB’s Literacy Strategy 2024-2028 includes the components of culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy, available here.

These are just some of the steps TDSB is actively taking to ensure an equitable school system grounded in anti-oppression and human rights.