Toronto District School Board

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Toronto District School Board

TDSB Calls on Party Leaders to Prioritize Students

Categories: News News Releases

With a little more than one week to go before the provincial election, Toronto District School Board Trustees are calling on party leaders to prioritize students and properly fund public education in Ontario.

During a Regular Meeting this evening, Trustees approved a motion that would call on the leaders of the four major political parties in Ontario to commit to addressing the $1,500 shortfall in per student funding (when adjusted for inflation) and remedy the funding gap that has been created.

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives states that for the 2018-19 school year, school boards counted on an average of $14,700 per student in inflation-adjusted terms and for the 2024-25 school year, boards will have to make do with $13,200.

As Canada’s largest school board, TDSB serves approximately 239,000 students in 579 schools throughout Toronto, with over 100,000 life-long learners in Adult and Continuing Education programs. The needs of the system are significant to meet demands on critical services and infrastructure.

Quick Facts

  • The funding gap for each individual student across the TDSB is over $730 to address just the current existing needs.
  • There is currently a $38.5 million shortfall to support students with special education needs at the TDSB.
  • There is a $10.9 million shortfall to support student and staff mental health, safety and well-being.

“When Toronto families head to the polls this month for the provincial election, we will all cast a vote for a better future. The TDSB, Canada’s largest school board, is asking all four major parties to fix the issue of chronic underfunding of public education here in Toronto and across the province. Ontario students are the future, and it is time we afford them the tomorrow they deserve with an increase in per student funding that sets them up for success.”

- Neethan Shan, Chair, TDSB