Toronto District School Board

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Toronto District School Board

April is Earth Month! Environmental Learning and Action at Elia MS

Categories: News

The 2022-23 school year was a significant one for the students and staff at Elia MS because it’s the year they became a Platinum Eco School! Platinum represents the highest level of EcoSchools certification. For schools to certify at the Platinum level, they must illustrate that their environmental program is well-established, and that environmental learning and action is a defining element of the school culture.

Here are some examples of the creative and innovative eco initiatives that helped Elia MS become a Platinum Eco School in 2023:

  • Urban gardeningUrban Gardening - students in different grade levels planted a variety of vegetable and herb seeds to grow in their classrooms. They observed their growth in class and then took the seedlings home to plant them and grow food (e.g. tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley). The urban gardening initiative is part of the school’s commitment to helping students learn more about biodiversity, healthy eating, food security and how to reduce food waste. 

  • Thinking about textilesThinking About Textiles - With the goal of diverting textiles from landfills, the Elia MS Eco Club collected, weighed and sorted used clothing that had been donated by the school community. The donated textiles were sorted into different categories based on future use: gently used items were donated to the Clothing Library/Community Closet; the school’s Drama Club selected items to be used as costumes in upcoming plays; the Arts and Crafts Club chose items for future projects; and more! 

  • Get Cooking - Students from Grade 6, 7 & 8 classes and the Eco Club used the leftover food from the school’s snack program (e.g. bananas, vegetables, humus) to cook or create different types of food. For example, Eco Club students learned to bake banana bread from scratch, using the leftover overripe bananas from our school’s snack program. Some of the banana peels that were not put in the green bins were used as fertilizer for classroom plants. Through these activities, students learned about financial literacy, nutrition and how to prevent food waste. 

  • Community clean upCommunity Clean Up - In the fall, Elia MS students and staff went outside to collect any litter that had accumulated around the school grounds and at its borders. Some classes went to the adjacent parquette and picked up litter in that area too. Students from the Eco Club also volunteered to pick up litter on the field during a soccer tournament held at the school. 

Congratulations to the students and staff of Elia MS on their hard work and dedication to climate action. You are making a difference! 

If your school is interested in taking action on climate change through initiatives like these, please contact [email protected]