- The appeals’ process only applies to applicants who were not successful in their application for a grant;
- There is no appeals’ procedure for applicants regarding the level of grant awarded;
- An appeal can only be made on the merits of the reviewers’ decision, e.g. the reviewer failed to take into account relevant information presented in the submission;
- Appeals must be submitted in writing to [email protected] within 5 days of notification of the decision. The email subject should state School Council Innovation Grant Appeal must state the name of the appellant, school, project name, and the grounds for the appeal;
- Once an appeal is received, a process to determine whether there are grounds for an appeal is administered by staff. This process involves the following steps:
- acknowledgment of receipt of the appeal;
- analysis of the appeal and the grant documents relating to the application and its review;
- submission of a recommendation as to whether there are grounds for an appeal; and
- the decision as to whether or not to allow the appeal;
- Where an appeal is allowed, it will be referred to the PCCEO who will assess the appeal and render a decision in writing. A review will exclude any individuals that were involved in making the original funding recommendation;
- Appeals will be resolved within 3-4 weeks from the time they are received;
- The appeal procedure may result in:
- the original recommendation of the reviewer; or
- a recommendation in favour of the appellant.
Note: A decision in favour of the appellant may not necessarily result in a grant being awarded. The decision made by PCCEO will be final.