About Us
The TDSB Purchasing Services serves the public with fair, open, and transparent procurement procedures. We adhere to all procurement laws, Acts, policies, procedures, regulations, Treaties and the Broader Public Sector Procurement Directive.
Purchasing Services strives to be ethical, accountable, and responsible in protecting public funds. Our department’s goal is to achieve the best value for money.
The Operations Division of Purchasing Services focuses on school- based purchases such as furniture, books, classroom and office supplies, technology, etc.
The Facilities Division of Purchasing Services focuses on building related procurement such as construction, maintenance, design services, caretaking supplies and equipment, etc.
What We Do:
Deliver excellent customer service;
Strategically source products and services;
Facilitate all Competitive Bid Processes;
Build strategic and strong supplier relationships;
Manage and administer contracts;
Mitigate risk;
Provide open competitive purchasing opportunities;
Responsible for the purchase of supplies, materials, services, equipment, construction projects, and disposal of surplus equipment; and
Work collaboratively with other boards and shared services.
Operations Contact: [email protected] or 416-395-8117
Facilities Contact: [email protected] or 416-395-4637
Consultant and Contractor Feedback Form
Purchasing Management Contacts