Toronto District School Board
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Thistletown Collegiate Institute (GR. 09-12)

Health and Safety (H&S) workplace inspections are conducted every month in all of our 582 operating schools. Below you can find the H&S reports for your school, for the 2023-2024 school years.  More information and Frequently Asked Questions

Date Inspected06/03/24
Location in School107
Health & Safety Issue Observeddisplay(s) not within TDSB standards as outlined by OH&S and Standards & Compliance (ie; artwork, hanging displays, paper on walls)
Health & Safety Issue DetailsNotice for the site Supervisor/Principal: By order of Toronto Fire Services, combustibles (e.g. paper) cannot be on doors (the front, back, or window of door). This is a Fire Code violation. Fire breaks (doors) cannot have combustibles affixed to them according to the Fire Code and TDSB Guidelines. Even the paper to cover the door window for Lockdown should not be a permanent fixture on the door. Having paper/combustibles on doors puts all staff and students at risk should a fire break out. Doors are a fire break and are fire rated. Having combustibles on them compromises the fire rating and ifies its secondary purpose as a fire break. Please have all combustibles removed from any/all exit doors (classrooms, offices, etc.). Please also review (and share with Staff) Fire Prevention - Reducing Combustible Materials in Schools" which can be found on the TDSB website here
Corrective ActionPrincipal to ensure doors and windows are clear of artwork. Displays are not hanging from ceiling or fixtures and are not covering more than 20 % of walls.
Corrective Action TakenPrincipal will address this
Action Taken ByCaretaker
Date Action Taken09/05/24