Toronto District School Board
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Beverley Heights Middle School (GR. 06-08)

Health and Safety (H&S) workplace inspections are conducted every month in all of our 582 operating schools. Below you can find the H&S reports for your school, for the 2021-2022 school years.  More information and Frequently Asked Questions

Date Inspected05/01/24
Location in SchoolHallway
Health & Safety Issue Observedportable ladder - damaged or not securely stored
Health & Safety Issue DetailsAs rules and policies change often and in speaking with a TDSB regional officer - it is best advised that all ladders be stored either affixed to a wall ( chained up or by use of other securing materials) OR on their sides while not in use. Many schools in this area seem to have a similar (dated and not to code) set up to this where the ladder is balancing a little over about a foot off the floor on a ledge / lip installed for the express purpose of holding a ladder. Advised if the ladder is to remain there that it be chained or affixed to the wall or kept somewhere else on its side.
Corrective ActionCaretaker to take corrective action, repair or generate SAP Notification (record the number).
Corrective Action Takenremoved from hallway during summer cleanup
Action Taken ByCaretaker
Date Action Taken08/27/24