Toronto District School Board
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Lord Lansdowne Junior Public School (GR. JK-06)

Health and Safety (H&S) workplace inspections are conducted every month in all of our 582 operating schools. Below you can find the H&S reports for your school, for the 2023-2024 school years.  More information and Frequently Asked Questions

Date Inspected11/08/23
Location in School305
Health & Safety Issue Observedimproper storage of flammable/combustible material
Health & Safety Issue DetailsFlammable items being stored on top of heating vent. in order for the heater to function properly, nothing should be placed in front of the heater to block that air flow. Any furniture that may end up being in front of your baseboard heater should be at least 6 inches away.Placing objects too close to the baseboard heater isn't just a problem for airflow, but it also creates a potential fire hazard if those objects are potentially flammable under enough heat.
Corrective ActionPrincipal to ensure flammables/combustible materials are stored appropriately. For further clarification, contact your Regional OH&S Officer.Housekeeping Memo:
Corrective Action Takenwill notify teacher in 305 to remove leaves from the vent
Action Taken ByCaretaker
Date Action Taken11/09/23