Toronto District School Board
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April 2024

April 2024


Dear Parents/Guardians/Caregivers and Students:

Welcome to TDSB Connects, an update on news and events from across the Toronto District School Board (TDSB).

Celebrating Good News - Read about recent events, initiatives and good news stories!

Latin-America History Month - April is recognized as Latin-America History Month at the Toronto District School Board. This year’s theme is Weaving Our Legacies: Returning to Our Collective Path | Enlazar Nuestres Legados: Volver a Nuestre Camino Colectivo. During April, activities are planned for students, staff, and community members. Learn more.

Sikh Heritage Month - Sikh Heritage Month is recognized during April at the Toronto District School Board. This year’s theme is Chardi Kala (The Positive and Uplifted State of Mind). Chardi Kala is a state of mind that radiates positive energy, optimistic attitude, strong confidence, and virtuosity. Learn more.

TDSB Budget Update - As part of the ongoing TDSB budget process, a Special Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. to discuss next steps. Learn more at and view the meeting live online.

Excellence Awards Nominations Closing Soon The TDSB Excellence Awards help shine a light on the stories of extraordinary staff commitment. We want to know about TDSB staff who are supporting the success and well-being of students, as well as TDSB school and work communities. We welcome nominations from anyone – staff, students, parents/caregivers or community members – please submit by April 5, 2024.

Solar Eclipse Safety - The City of Toronto is sharing important information about the upcoming solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, 2024, including precautions to take to avoid harming your eyesight. As a reminder, Monday, April 8, 2024 is now PA Day for all students in the Toronto District School Board.

Potential School Bus Delays on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 – When there are high levels of driver absences (e.g. illness, days of significance, etc.) school bus operators may be required to temporarily modify routes to ensure coverage. As Wednesday, April 10 is a religious holiday, there may be an increased number of driver absences resulting in delays. If possible, please inform your bus carrier should your child not be needing the bus that day. Please visit the Transportation Portal to access the contact information for your bus carrier. Please continue to monitor the Transportation Portal and the TSTG website for updates.

TDSB & Other Large Ontario School Boards Launch Lawsuit Against Social Media Companies - Last week, the TDSB, together with the Toronto Catholic District School Board, Peel District School Board and Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, announced a lawsuit against tech giants Meta Platforms Inc. (Facebook and Instagram), Snap Inc. (SnapChat), and ByteDance Ltd. (TikTok) for disruption to students’ education. Learn more.

Panfest Vybz - Join us on May 9 for Panfest Vybz at Winston Churchill CI, from 6 to 8 p.m. This event celebrates carnival culture through arts such as costuming, dance, drumming and steel pan music. There will be student and professional performers, in addition to a series of fun workshops. Learn more.

Student Mental Health and Well-Being Resources - Supporting students and fostering daily positive mental health and well-being in all school communities is a priority at the TDSB. Visit the MHWB website to access mental health toolkits, identity affirming resources, and information about a variety of wellness topics. Whether you need immediate support, or want to learn more about a particular topic, there’s information and support available.

Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement -The Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement offers a variety of programming for students, staff and families. Students in Gr. 7-12 are invited to join us for the Meet the Scientist program and the Pathways to Veterinary Medicine program. To learn more, visit our website and follow @tdsb_cebsa on Twitter and Instagram.

PA Day Information - During the school year, school staff participate in a number of Professional Activity (PA) Days. Beginning in 2023-24, boards of education are now required to publicly share information at least 14 days in advance, as outlined in Policy and Program Memorandum (PPM) 151. View information for the PA Day on Monday, April 8, 2024.

Policy Consultation - The Employment Equity Policy (P029) is currently being reviewed. The purpose of the draft Policy, re-titled “Positive Organizational Culture and Inclusive Workforce Policy,” is to identify and remove systemic barriers in employment, including hiring, promotion, and retention. The Policy will help TDSB achieve a diverse workforce and create the necessary conditions to support student achievement and well-being. Please share your thoughts, questions and recommendations on the draft Policy through the online survey or by email to [email protected] by April 11, 2024.

Apply for the Know Your Worth Scholarship - The African Heritage Month Volunteer Planning Committee is pleased to announce that students of African Heritage graduating from a TDSB secondary school will be able to apply for three Know Your Worth Scholarships valued at $3,000 each. More information.

Ministry of Education’s Parent’s Guide to Ontario’s Education System - Check out a new resource guide with helpful information on a number of subjects. This initiative is part of the government’s recent efforts to increase transparency and accountability in our school system. The full guide can be found at