Welcome to TDSB Connects, an update on news and events from across the Toronto District School Board.
- Enhancing Equity Task Force: To help students experience higher levels of achievement and success in school, TDSB Senior Staff will conduct a full review of the Enhancing Equity Task Force’s recommendations before presenting proposed next steps in January 2018.
- Early Learning and Care Policy Consultation: Please share your feedback related to the draft Early Learning and Care Policy, a policy to establish the Board’s commitment to the success of children through strengthening early education and care. Comments are welcomed for consideration before January 2, 2018 at 12 p.m.
- Parent Participation in Vice-Principal Interviews: If you are a parent/guardian who would like to volunteer in the Spring 2018 Vice-Principal interviews, please complete the survey. For more information about Vice-Principal selection, including the interview process, please read Operational Procedure PR705.
- Winter Weather and Student Transportation: From time to time, it is necessary to cancel student transportation, classes and/or programs due to severe weather. Read more about how the TDSB makes snow day decisions and how you can stay informed.
- District and Local News: Stay informed about district-wide news through TDSB Update and connect with your Trustee for local information and events.