Toronto District School Board
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November 2024

TDSB Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers, 

Welcome to TDSB Connects, your update on news and events from across the Toronto District School Board (TDSB).  

Celebrating Good News – Read about some of the recent events, initiatives and great things happening across the Toronto District School Board, including: 

Indigenous Education Month – November is Indigenous Education Month at the TDSB, where students, staff, and community members honour several important days to deepen knowledge, to learn from our shared histories, and strengthen relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples. Read more.

Hindu Heritage Month – The TDSB is proud to recognize Hindu Heritage Month in November, an occasion to recognize and celebrate the rich tapestry of traditions, teachings and values that are integral to Hinduism and practiced by millions around the world today. This year’s theme is Antah Shanti for Vishwa Shanti, a Sanskrit phrase that conveys that to foster World (Vishwa) Peace (Shanti) we need to have Inner (Antah) Peace (Shanti). Learn more.    

Central Student Interest Programs - Application Now Open! – Learn more about elementary central student interest programs and secondary central student interest programs. The application is now open and closes on November 22, 2024, at 4 p.m. Visit the CSIP website to learn about each program, review requirements, and view webinar recordings. 

High School Open Houses and Information Nights – To help you make an informed decision when choosing a school, open houses for parents/guardians/caregivers and students happen between November and January. Visit the website to learn more about our variety of schools, programs and courses and to view Open House dates

Elementary Alternative Schools Online Application Process – The TDSB offers a wide range of Elementary Alternative Schools. The application process is managed centrally and includes an online application form. Complete information about the central online application process and the upcoming webinars (including the registration links) are available on the Elementary Alternative Schools webpage. The online application for September 2025 admission will be open from January 6 at 9 a.m. to January 31, 2025, at 4 p.m. 

Register Now! 2024 Parents and Caregivers as Partners Conference – Join us on November 16 for the Parents and Caregivers as Partners Conference, an opportunity to highlight innovation and high-impact strategies for partnering, collaborating, and nurturing parents' and caregivers' partnerships and alliances. Visit the website for more information and to register

Learn4Life Adult General Interest Program - Winter Registration Opens November 13 –Registration for winter courses in the Learn4Life Adult General Interest Program opens on November 13 at 8:30 a.m. Available to adults 18 and older, the Learn4Life program offers a unique opportunity to pursue interests, expand knowledge, and engage in lifelong learning. The program features a wide range of courses and activities designed to cater to diverse interests and passions. Courses start January 11, 2025. Visit the Learn4Life page for more information

Launch of New Literacy Strategy – The TDSB is excited to launch our new Literacy Strategy (2024-2028). With the support of all education partners – including families – the Literacy Strategy will support the outcome that all students are able to create, communicate, read, write and think critically to succeed in school and in life. Parents, caregivers, and guardians are encouraged to review the Literacy Strategy. As a next step, action plans will be created for each grade range to meet the goals in the strategy and Multi-Year Strategic Plan

TDSB EarlyON Child and Family Centres – The TDSB continues to offer EarlyON Child and Family Centre programs in 75 schools providing a safe and welcoming space for children ages 0-6 and their parents/caregivers to gather, connect and learn. These drop-in programs are free, and no pre-registration is required. For an overview of EarlyON programs, including schedules, locations and hours, visit the EarlyON Child and Family Centres website

Personal Mobile Device Use in Schools Policy Consultation – The TDSB is developing a Personal Mobile Device Use in Schools Policy, and we want to hear from parents/guardians/caregivers, students, and community partners. Visit the website to read the draft policy and provide feedback by December 10, 2024.  

Virtual Drop-In Hours: Pathways to Care for Mental Health – Parents/guardians/caregivers are invited to join virtual drop-in hours for educational presentations that provide the knowledge and tools necessary to support the well-being of students at home and in school. Visit the website to view session dates and themes. 

Special Education and Inclusion Newsletter for Parents/Guardians/Caregivers - This monthly newsletter is designed to support families in navigating the journey of supporting students with special education needs. Each edition features valuable resources, tips, and success stories to empower families and their children.  

Special Education and Inclusion Drop-in Sessions for Parents/Guardians/Caregivers: Learn more about navigating special education services, resources and supports, ask questions, and connect with other families. Calendar of Drop-In Sessions for the 2024-2025 School Year

Parent Engagement Session: Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder – Special Education and Inclusion will hold virtual sessions on Wednesday, November 27 and Thursday, November 28 for parents/guardians/caregivers to provide information on strategies and supports for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. These sessions will be recorded and posted on the TDSB website for future access. View the flyer to register.  

Winter Weather & Student Transportation – It is sometimes necessary to cancel student transportation, classes and/or programs because of severe weather. On rare occasions, it is necessary to close schools, administrative offices, or sites. Any decision to cancel buses, classes and/or programs or to close sites can have a significant impact on thousands of families and this decision is not taken lightly. Should a cancellation or closure be necessary, information will be posted on the TDSB home page and TDSB social media by 6 a.m. 

Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement – We invite Black students, educators, and families to the TDSB Black Student Post-Secondary Engagement Symposium on November 27 at John Polanyi CI, beginning at 7 p.m. Institutional representatives will share culturally relevant programs, resources, opportunities, and services that positively affirm Black students’ sense of belonging in post-secondary spaces. Additionally, the Black Girls’ Book Club is back! Register before November 8 and follow us on Instagram and Twitter @tdsb_cebsa. 


Early French Immersion (Junior Kindergarten Entry) Application Now Opens! – TDSB offers an online process to apply for the Early French Immersion Program (begins in Junior Kindergarten). To apply for September 2025, applications must be completed online by November 29, 2024. Families with an older sibling currently in an Early French Immersion program must complete an online application for the new student. Visit the Early French Immersion page for more information. 

Community Services – TDSB’s Community Services Unit welcomes referrals for parents/guardians/caregivers and other adults in the school community who are seeking employment or who are newcomers to Canada. For more information on new sessions, workshops, and how to register, please visit the Community Services website

Professional Activity (PA) Days – During the school year, school staff participate in a number of PA Days. On these dates, students remain at home and schools are open for staff to engage in professional learning. As per Ministry requirements, detailed information about planned activities is posted to the TDSB website at least 14 days in advance of each scheduled PA Day during the 2024-25 school year. Visit the PA Day web page to learn more.