Alert Box Blue - Title Area
The Ministry of Education has reduced the 2018/2019 funding for the Priority Schools Initiative (PSI) program. As a result, PSI can no longer fund any additional permits for this school year. To mitigate the impact on the community, the TDSB will cover the 2019 permit costs for the Summer session only. For 2019 PSI summer permits, apply on eBase.
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<h2>Heading Area</h2>
<p>Message Content</p>
Alert Box Green - Title Area
The Ministry of Education has reduced the 2018/2019 funding for the Priority Schools Initiative (PSI) program. As a result, PSI can no longer fund any additional permits for this school year. To mitigate the impact on the community, the TDSB will cover the 2019 permit costs for the Summer session only. For 2019 PSI summer permits, apply on eBase.
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<div class="alertBoxGreen">
<h2>Heading Area</h2>
<p>Message Content</p>
Alert Box Yellow - Title Area
The Ministry of Education has reduced the 2018/2019 funding for the Priority Schools Initiative (PSI) program. As a result, PSI can no longer fund any additional permits for this school year. To mitigate the impact on the community, the TDSB will cover the 2019 permit costs for the Summer session only. For 2019 PSI summer permits, apply on eBase.
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<div class="alertBoxYellow">
<h2>Heading Area</h2>
<p>Message Content</p>
Alert Box Tan - Title Area
The Ministry of Education has reduced the 2018/2019 funding for the Priority Schools Initiative (PSI) program. As a result, PSI can no longer fund any additional permits for this school year. To mitigate the impact on the community, the TDSB will cover the 2019 permit costs for the Summer session only. For 2019 PSI summer permits, apply on eBase.
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<h2>Heading Area</h2>
<p>Message Content</p>
Alert Box Pink - Title Area
The Ministry of Education has reduced the 2018/2019 funding for the Priority Schools Initiative (PSI) program. As a result, PSI can no longer fund any additional permits for this school year. To mitigate the impact on the community, the TDSB will cover the 2019 permit costs for the Summer session only. For 2019 PSI summer permits, apply on eBase.
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<h2>Heading Area</h2>
<p>Message Content</p>