How to Register
We look forward to welcoming you and your children to the TDSB's Extended Day Program!
Families can enroll in the EDP if one is offered at the school where their child is registered as a student. Please find a complete list of our program locations here. You may choose to register using the online registration system or by booking a telephone registration appointment. A one-time registration fee of $50 will be required to hold your space within the program. This fee will be applied to your first payment once programming begins for the school year. For fee information, please visit our Fees and Payments page. Please note that this fee may be waived for families receiving child care fee subsidies.

Click on the “ Apply to EDP” button on the homepage to complete the admission request form. When a space is available you will be sent an admission offer to complete. Please note you will create a password for you account. Once you completed your admission offer, including the Pre Authorized Debit form, you will receive a confirmation email providing you with a start date at the EDP location selected.
Once capacities are reached, an applicant's name will remain on the school's program waitlist until a space becomes available. Once a space becomes available in the program at the child's school, a member of the EDP administration team will contact the family to discuss next steps.