Each year the Toronto District School Board conducts a cohort student and releases a graduation rate for our students. A cohort study follows a group (Grade 9 students) over a period of time (five years) – the time it takes most Ontario students to complete secondary school.
This year the 2013-2018 graduation rate for the Toronto District School Board is 86%, which is the same as the previous Fall 2012-2017 cohort. Since the TDSB began tracking graduation rates in 2000 there has been a 17% increase (69% to 86%).
Increases year over year show that the TDSB is making steady progress in the areas that directly impact students and their well-being.
There were 16,028 students in the TDSB on October 31, 2013 who were between 13 and 15 years of age and who were new to secondary school. We looked at how these students were doing five years after they started, as of October 31, 2018. By this time, 1,500 of students had exited the TDSB. Reasons for “exit” include other boards, countries, education institutions, provinces, deceased, and private schools. This left a total of 14,528 students in the study.
As of October 31, 2018:
- 12,492 (86%) students had graduated
- 594 (4%) were still enrolled in the TDSB
- 1,442 (10%) had dropped out (according to records they had not graduated, were no longer in the TDSB, and had not transferred to another educational institution)

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