Toronto District School Board
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December 2024

December 2024

TDSB Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers, 
Welcome to TDSB Connects, your update on news and events from across the Toronto District School Board (TDSB).  

Celebrating Good News – Read about some of the recent events, initiatives and great things happening across the Toronto District School Board, including:   

Winter Weather & Student Transportation – It’s sometimes necessary to cancel student transportation, classes and/or programs because of severe weather. On rare occasions, it may be necessary to close schools, administrative offices, or sites and when schools are closed, there will be no staff (such as principals and teachers) on-site to supervise students. Any decision to cancel buses, classes and/or programs or to close sites is not taken lightly and when this happens, information will be posted on the TDSB home page and on TDSB social media by 6 a.m. 
*NEW* English Kindergarten Registration Begins in January! – TDSB looks forward to welcoming Kindergarten students for the 2025-26 school year and registration for English begins in January! To attend Junior Kindergarten in September 2025, children must turn four-years-old by December 31. To attend Senior Kindergarten in September 2025, children must be five years old by December 31. Visit the Kindergarten Registration page to learn more.  

Out-of-Area Admissions – Online applications for elementary and secondary Out-of-Area Admissions open on January 6, 2025. This is the process whereby students can apply to attend a school outside of the school designated to serve their home address. Acceptance is subject to space availability and transportation is the responsibility of the applicant. The Elementary application deadline is January 31 at 4 p.m. and the Secondary application deadline is January 24 at 4 p.m.   

Middle French Immersion (Grade 4 Entry) Application Deadline – For families interested in the Toronto District School Board's system-wide French Immersion Program, we offer an online process to apply for Middle French Immersion (begins in Grade 4). To apply for September 2025, applications must be completed online between January 6 and 31, 2025. Families with an older sibling currently in a Middle French Immersion program are still required to complete an online application for the new student. For more information and to access the application, please visit the Middle French Immersion web page

Secondary Schools Without a Boundary – The legacy technical and commercial boundaries for five TDSB schools (Central Technical School, Central Toronto Academy, Danforth Collegiate and Technical Institute, Western Technical-Commercial School, and Northern Secondary School) have been dissolved to expand access to all students. Beginning with admissions for September 2025, all interested students must apply for entry to a Secondary School without a Boundary regardless of where they live. The application opens on January 6, 2025, and the deadline to apply is January 24 at 4 p.m. Learn more.  

Virtual Elementary School – Starting in the 2025-2026 school year, elementary students will have the option to attend Virtual Elementary School, a single school that will host all remote learning classes. For more information, including available grades, and how to select Remote Learning for the 2025-26 school year, visit the Virtual Elementary School web page.  

Elementary Alternative Schools Online Application Process The application process for  Elementary Alternative Schools is managed centrally and includes an online application form.  The application for September 2025 admission will be open from January 6 at 9 a.m. to January 31, 2025, at 4 p.m. Visit the Elementary Alternative Schools webpage to learn more. 

Continuing Education Programming – Explore learning opportunities available for children, families, and adults at the TDSB:  

December and January Class Starts for Adults & Newcomers – Newcomers looking to continue their professional careers can look forward to Enhanced Language Training start dates in January: January 10 (Education, Accounting, and Office Admin & Customer Relations) and January 20 (Engineering, IT, Health & Wellness). LINC Citizenship classes begin January 14
TDSB Winter Outerwear Drive  As winter approaches, many members of our community will face the harsh realities of cold weather without adequate clothing. That is why TDSB is organizing a Winter Outerwear Drive to collect funds that will be put towards the purchase of warm coats, hats, gloves and boots for students. By supporting the drive, your donation will help students receive warm winter outerwear to carry themselves with confidence into the school day. This year’s Winter Outerwear Drive will run until the end of February 2025

Parent Concern Protocol – The TDSB wants to hear your questions and concerns and makes every effort to address them as quickly as possible. The Parent Concern Protocol (PR505), outlines the procedures for addressing educational concerns brought to staff and trustees by parents, guardians, and caregivers and provides information about who you should reach out to and when. In any situation, your child’s classroom teacher is the first point of contact, followed by the school’s principal, the school superintendent and your Trustee. Learn more

Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement – The Black Student Summer Leadership Program offers Black high school students a transformative, paid opportunity to gain hands-on experience, develop professional skills, participate in Youth Participatory Action Research, and expand their networks in a variety of fields. Students are paired with mentors and organizations that match their passions, fostering growth in a supportive environment. Join us for an information session on December 10 at 6 p.m. TDSB students register here.  

Special Education and Inclusion December Newsletter – 
Important dates, resources, and events, this month includes details for a virtual session on Tuesday, December 3: Supporting Grade 8 to 9 Transition for Students with Special Education Needs, to read the newsletter visit the Special Education and Inclusion Parent Newsletters web page.


High School Open Houses and Information Nights Open houses for parents/guardians/caregivers and students happen between November and January. Visit the website to learn more and to view Open House dates

Personal Mobile Device Use in Schools Policy Consultation – The TDSB is developing a Personal Mobile Device Use in Schools Policy, and we want to hear from you! Visit the website to read the draft policy and provide feedback by December 10, 2024.  
Special Education and Inclusion Drop-in Sessions for Parents/Guardians/Caregivers –Learn more about navigating special education services, resources and supports or ask questions and connect with other families. View the calendar of Drop-In Sessions for 2024-25.