Students who reside within the City of Toronto have the right to attend a school which is designated to serve their residential address. The "Find Your School" section of the website identifies the designated schools for each residential address.
Students also have the opportunity to access schools outside of the school that is designated to serve their home address by applying for Out-of-Area Admissions. Acceptance at these schools is subject to space availability and program suitability.
The procedures, conditions and timelines relating to Out-of-Area Admissions are described in the Out-of-Area Admissions Policy and the Out-of-Area Admission Operational Procedure . The TDSB will not be responsible for providing transportation for students admitted through Out-of-Area Admissions. Transportation is the responsibility of the applicant.
Out-of-Area Admissions School Status
Each year, schools are classified with one of the following Out-of-Area Admissions statuses based on the space they MAY have available for students from outside the designated attendance area in the upcoming school year.
The school may not admit any students from Out-of-Area.
Only students residing within the school’s attendance area may attend the school.
Limited (Siblings)
Only students with siblings attending and returning to the requested school may apply for Out-of-Area Admissions. At the Secondary level, the older sibling must have been attending the requested secondary school as of September 2022.
Limited (Siblings or Feeder School)
Only students with siblings attending and returning to the requested school or students attending a feeder school in the same program may apply for Out-of-Area Admissions. At the Secondary level, the older sibling must have been attending the requested secondary school as of September 2022.
All students may apply for Out-of-Area Admissions.
The school may admit students from all of the priorities, as space is available.
Schools with any of the Limited statuses may or may not have seats available in any particular grade based on the projected enrollment for the school and the in-area population attending the school. Schools must stay within their projected enrollment limits and may not be able to accommodate students applying from outside the local area. Schools will not know about the availability of seats until after the application window has closed.
Secondary Schools without a Boundary (SSWAB)
Beginning with admissions for September 2025, all interested students must apply for entry to a Secondary School without a Boundary (SSWAB) regardless of where they live. For more information, please visit the SSWAB web page.
To find a particular school's Out-of-Area Admissions status, click on the first letter in a school's name below to go to the appropriate table. (For example, click the S link in the Elementary section for the table containing Sir Adam Beck Public School).
To apply to attend a school other than your designated school by address, please submit an online application. Applicants may submit one school/program choice in their application. The application for Secondary Schools without a Boundary can be found within the Secondary Out-of-Area Admissions application. Each applicant may include one Secondary School without a Boundary in their application. The online application will be made available each year in January for admission the following September.
For more information and to access the online application forms, please visit: Elementary Out-of-Area Admissions and Secondary Out-of-Area Admissions.
- Students self-identifying as First Nations, Métis or Inuit are not required to apply through Out-of-Area Admissions to attend a school of their choosing. For more information, visit the Supporting Students Outside of Out-of-Area Admissions web page.
- Students can apply for Out-of-Area Admissions in Regular programs and Intensive French programs. TDSB Students applying for Intensive French in non-entry grades must already be registered / signed up or enrolled in an Intensive French program. Applicants will only be seated if space is available at the requested grade. For more information on accessing Intensive French programs as a TDSB or non-TDSB student, visit the French Programs web page.
- The Out-of-Area Admissions application cannot be used to access Special Education Intensive Support Programs (where Identification, Placement and Review Committee placement is required). For more information, visit the Special Education and Inclusion web page.
- The Out-of-Area Admissions application cannot be used to access Caring and Safe School Programs or Central Student Interest Programs. To learn more, visit the Central Student Interest Programs web page.
- The Out-of-Area Admissions application cannot be used to access Alternative Schools. To register for Elementary Alternative Schools, please visit this site. Please visit or call the secondary alternative school for complete information about their programs or how to register at the school.
- The Out-of-Area Admissions application cannot be used to access Native Learning Centres, Adult Learning Centres, Heydon Park SS, Greenwood SS, Eastdale CI, and Kapapamahchakwew – Wandering Spirit School. Please visit or call these schools for complete information about their programs or how to register at the school.
The Out-of-Area Admissions status for each school is updated annually for admission in September of the following school year.
- To apply to attend a school other than your designated school by address, please submit an online application. Applicants may submit one school/program choice in their application.
- Remote Learning (elementary and secondary) can be requested as the one program/school choice. Visit the Accessing Remote Learning Website for more details.
- The application for Secondary Schools without a Boundary can be found within the Secondary Out-of-Area Admissions application. Each applicant may include one Secondary School without a Boundary in their application.
- The online application will be made available each year in January for admission the following September.