Toronto District School Board
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June 2024

TDSB Connects

June 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians/Caregivers and Students:


Welcome to TDSB Connects, an update on news and events from across the Toronto District School Board (TDSB).

Celebrating Good News - Read about recent events, initiatives and good news stories!


June is Indigenous History Month - June is National Indigenous History Month and June 21st is National Indigenous Peoples Day. It is a time to celebrate and learn from First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples’ diverse cultures, histories, experiences, creations, perspectives, and achievements. Learn More.

Italian Heritage Month - June is Italian Heritage Month. This year’s theme is Sharing Our Stories and Embracing Our Future/Condividere le nostre storie e abbracciare il nostro futuro.  To commemorate this year’s theme, TDSB students are invited to submit a video that captures their special memory or tradition with their nonni (grandparents) or an elderly caregiver/guardian. Learn more.

Portuguese-Speaking Heritage Month - Portuguese-Speaking Heritage Month is proudly recognized during the month of June at the TDSB and has been since 2011. This year’s theme is Unidos/United! Please follow us on Twitter @TDSB_PSHM and visit the website to learn more about planned events in June.  

TDSB Celebrates 2SLGBTQ+ Pride - June is Pride Month at the TDSB! It’s an opportunity to celebrate diversity and raise awareness among all staff and students about the rich culture and history of our 2SLGBTQ+ community. We look forward to celebrating Pride 2024 with all 2SLGBTQ+ students, staff, and allies! Learn more.

Director Colleen Russell-Rawlins to Retire - Director of Education Colleen Russell-Rawlins will be retiring from the Toronto District School Board in November 2024. Director Russell-Rawlins is an accomplished educator with a career that spans more than three decades. During her tenure at the TDSB, she oversaw the expansion of access to French Immersion, improved access to child care, early years, literacy supports, implemented the Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement, launched the modernization plan for the board’s People and Culture Department and narrowed disproportionate outcomes for many underserved students. Learn more.

School Year Calendar - The first day of school for the 2024-2025 School Year is Tuesday, September 3, 2024. The School Year Calendar for the upcoming year is available now.

Budget Update - The TDSB budget process continues, with an upcoming Finance, Budget and Enrolment Committee meeting on Thursday, June 13 where Trustees will discuss options to balance the budget. Learn more and access meeting agendas and reports here

Cell Phone/Mobile Device Use in Schools Policy Pre-Consultation - The TDSB is developing a Cell Phone/Mobile Device Use in Schools Policy and your input is important. We want to hear from parents/guardians/caregivers, students, and community partners. Please to learn more and consider attending an upcoming webcast on June 11 and 12 and/or completing an online survey.

Secondary Alternative Schools Program Review Survey - Share your voice! In response to a recommendation from the Alternative Schools Community Advisory Committee, the Board of Trustees passed a resolution on May 26, 2021, to conduct a review of Secondary Alternative Schools. Please consider completing this voluntary and anonymous survey to provide feedback on TDSB's Secondary Alternative School programs. 

Excursion Management Application (EMA) Update - A new welcome page is now available for parents/guardians/caregivers in the Excursion Management Application (EMA). The enhancements on this page include new features for news, alerts, and convenient links to help and support resources and provide timely and helpful information to assist with common questions and issues before logging into EMA.

Warm Weather Update - At times during the year, Toronto experiences days of extreme heat that can prompt Environment Canada to issue Heat Advisories. These temperatures can and do have an impact on students and staff. Extreme Heat Resources are available online. View our Hot Weather Webpage for more information. 

Summer Well-Being Guide - The 2024 Summer Well-being Guide is now available! The guide has resources, community connections, and ideas for students and parents/guardians/caregivers to promote mental and physical wellness. The resources are culturally responsive and include many for students with disabilities/special education needs. The Guide has been translated into the top 23 TDSB languages spoken and is accessible. 

Mental Health Resources to Support Students and Families - A variety of helpful resources are available from School Mental Health Ontario. Read about Tips For Managing Test and Exam StressMental Health Activities for Home, and a series of supports related to navigating the transition from secondary school: Parent/Caregiver HandoutStudent Balanced Thought Journal, and Personal Stress Management Plan.

Summer Programs - Explore various TDSB summer programs now open for registration! Elementary programs include: Elementary Summer School, International Languages Elementary & African Heritage Program, Special Education and Inclusion Summer Program, Summer Music & Art CampsSecondary programs include Continuing Education Secondary Credit, e-Summer School Program, International Youth Summer ProgramAdult programs include: Learn4Life - Adult General Interest ProgramsAdult ESL - Refugee Claimants OnlyEssential Skills UpgradingEnhanced Language TrainingLINC-Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada.


Grade 8 Summer Reach Ahead Opportunity - Current Grade 8 students are eligible to register for the e-Summer Full Credit Summer Reach Ahead course (GLD2OE). Successful completion of this course counts towards the Ministry of Education’s mandatory e-Learning credit requirement. Registration for the Reach Ahead course has begun! Learn More.

e-Summer School Registration (Grade 10-12 Credit Courses) - Registration for July and August e-Summer School courses has begun! View the list of course offerings online. To register, students should connect with their home school Guidance Counsellors. Learn More.


PA Day Information - During the school year, school staff participate in a number of Professional Activity (PA) Days and boards of education are required to publicly share information 14 days in advance, as outlined in Policy and Program Memorandum (PPM) 151. View information for the PA Day on Friday, June 7, 27 and 28, 2024.


Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP) – We would like to once again thank the students, staff, parents/guardians/caregivers, community advisory committee members, and TDSB community members who shared valuable feedback and insights to inform the TDSB’s newly-approved 2024-28 MYSP, Inspiring Minds & Shaping Futures: Our Multi-Year Commitment to Student Success. Please read the full MYSP online at


Phased-in Start for Student Transportation - The Toronto Student Transportation Group will once again be implementing a phased-in start for the 2024-25 school year. Starting Tuesday, September 3, transportation will begin for students with special education needs (excluding those in the gifted program) who travel to school on minibuses, minivans, taxis and wheelchair-accessible vehicles. Bussing for all other eligible students will begin on Monday, September 9, pending driver availability. 


Student Transportation Parent Portal - Parents/guardians/caregivers with children who take the bus to school are encouraged to sign up for the Student Transportation Parent Portal to access important information and updates. Note: You must register for the portal with the email address on file at your child’s school. Contact [email protected] for any issues with the registration process.