Toronto District School Board
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Secondary Alternative Schools Program Review

In response to a recommendation from the Alternative Schools Community Advisory Committee, the Board of Trustees passed a resolution on May 26, 2021, that the Board conduct a review of Secondary Alternative Schools (SAS) programs.

Secondary students can choose to attend one of 21 secondary Alternative schools across the city. Alternative schools were designed to be small and to offer a unique and different approach to learning. In the current school year, nearly 1,100 secondary students are enrolled in Alternative secondary schools.

This review of Secondary Alternative Schools does not include Elementary Alternative Schools. Alternative schools are highly engaged, smaller school environments supporting students seeking alternative methodologies, curriculum delivery, and non-mainstream approaches to learning the Ontario Curriculum.

On June 9, 2021, the Review of Secondary Alternative Schools Feasibility Report was presented to the TDSB’s Program and School Services Committee and subsequently Board of Trustees on June 30, 2021. As part of this feasibility report, staff committed to a subsequent report to the Program and School Services Committee that would provide a detailed timeline for Secondary Alternative Schools Program Review (refer to the Action Plan and Associated Timeline section below).

Secondary Alternative Schools Program Review Survey

To support the Secondary Alternative Schools Program Review, we conducted a survey that sought to gather feedback on TDSB's Secondary Alternative School programs. Participation in this survey was entirely voluntary and anonymous, ensuring that respondents had the opportunity to provide honest feedback without any privacy concerns.

Secondary Alternative Schools Program Review Webinar Presentation

This presentation was provided as information to families of Secondary Alternative Schools.

Process and Timeline

A summary of tasks with status and timelines is provided below:

Task Status/Timeline
1. Review and approval of revised Alternative Schools Policy (P062) October 2022
2. Prepare program review timelines and environmental scan of Secondary Alternative Schools including enrolment, Learning Opportunities Index (LOI), school profiles, and history Presented to PSSC, January 24, 2024
3. Develop consultation process for all stakeholders, including:
  • All TDSB students, including current students of secondary alternative schools
  • All TDSB parents/guardians/caregivers, including those of current students at secondary alternative schools
  • All TDSB staff
  • Alternative Schools Community Advisory Committee
  • Student Senate
  • Community Advisory Committees
  • Federations/Union partners
  • TDSB and non-TDSB communities (including alumni of secondary alternative schools)
  • TDSB and non-TDSB communities (including alumni of secondary alternative schools)
In Progress – expected completion: February 2024
4. Conduct consultations with stakeholders listed in #3 above. Methods may include but not be limited to:
  • Focus groups
  • Student town halls and forums during school visits
  • Online webinar and consultation/ survey opportunities.
February-December 2024
5. Provide a mid-report to Program and School Services Committee and Board on the status of the Secondary Alternative Schools Program review, including:

  a. literature review,
  b. consultation summary, and
  c. preliminary analysis of programs, strengths and weaknesses, student outcomes, opportunities and risks, and staff and communities connected to Secondary Alternative Schools

Spring 2025
6. Provide a final report to Program and School Services Committee and the Board on System-wide recommendations and long-term visioning following completion of Secondary Alternative Schools review Spring 2025
7. Review Alternative Schools Procedure (PR584) to align with recommendations from the Secondary Alternative Schools program review. Present to the Governance and Policy Committee/Board. Begin September 2025
8. Local Feasibility Team, Staffing and other School-related processes based on final Secondary Alternative Schools Program Review recommendations As required


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the Secondary Alternative School Program Review about?
The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is undertaking a review of Secondary Alternative Secondary Schools to as directed by the Board of Trustees on May 26, 2021. The purpose of the Secondary Alternative School Review is to focus on an environmental scan of secondary alternative schools, to complete an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges faced by students, staff, and communities connected to Secondary Alternative Schools.

What if I have questions?
Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s school Principal.

Where are the 21 Secondary Alternative Schools currently located?

Policy P062

For more information, please review this policy document.