Welcome to TDSB Connects, an update on news and events from across the Toronto District School Board.
- Enhancing Equity Task Force Report: Visit the Enhancing Equity Task Force website for an update on next steps, draft recommendations and additional consultation opportunities.
- School Resource Officer Program: Trustees have voted to end the School Resource Officer program in the TDSB.
- School Repairs: For the second year in a row, the TDSB has released the school-by-school Facility Condition Index rating for all school buildings. Learn more about the Facility Condition Index or visit Find Your School to see the Renewal Needs and Facility Condition Index for a particular school.
- Winter Weather and Student Transportation: From time to time, it may be necessary to cancel student transportation, classes and/or programs due to severe weather. Read more about how the TDSB makes snow day decisions and how you can stay informed.
- Executive Compensation – Public Consultation: To ensure a responsible and transparent approach to managing executive salaries, the TDSB is consulting on its proposed executive compensation plan. Learn more and find out how you can share your feedback online or in person at a meeting on November 30.
- High School Information Nights: TDSB high schools are hosting Information Nights to help students and parents/guardians learn more about the TDSB’s incredible variety of schools, programs and courses.
- Early French Immersion Program: The application process for the Early French Immersion program opened on October 30 and the deadline is November 30, 2017. Applications are made the year a child is in Junior Kindergarten (or is of Junior Kindergarten age) for entry in Senior Kindergarten. It is an entirely online process.
- SmartSAVER Education Savings: November is Financial Literacy Month and a great time to kick-start your child's higher education savings with free money from the Government of Canada! Find out if your family is eligible for the Canada Learning Bond.
- District and Local News: Stay informed about district-wide news through TDSB Update and connect with your Trustee for local information and events.