Toronto District School Board

iPads In The Early Years

Today’s Early Years students are already digital natives. Exposed to technology from an early age, children are savvy on devices and use them regularly as part of their everyday lives. Integrating iPads into classrooms for students in Kindergarten to Grade 3 offers them technology-enhanced learning experiences that will help them develop skills that will prepare them for the future. 

Educators use iPads to capture thinking and learning and make the learning accessible, collaborative and flexible. Using the iPads, students develop early literacy skills, including reading, printing and phonemic awareness; students support their peers, promoting agency; students are able to see a larger global context; and their engagement is increased.

One wi-fi enabled iPad for one Kindergarten student, including case and software: $520

Help close the digital divide and ensure technology is accessible to all.

100% of all proceeds go to benefit our students.
Used equipment cannot be accepted.

If you have any questions, please contact the Business Development department at
[email protected] for more information about your donation