Toronto District School Board
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External Research Application

The Toronto District School Board's External Research Review Committee (ERRC) reviews requests from external individuals and/or organizations applying to conduct research in TDSB schools. This review process ensures that proper procedures and guidelines are followed in conducting research. Once applications have been approved, the final decision to participate rests with individual school principals. Staff, students, and parents also have the right to decide if they wish to participate.

  • We have transitioned to an online application form. Please complete the online form and submit final study materials in one pdf through the online form. Hard copy, mailed applications will not be accepted.
  • At this point applicants do not need to submit Police Reference Check information. Any acceptance decisions will be conditional upon receipt of Police Reference Check/Vulnerable Sector Screening documentation.
  • Above all, the final decision to participate rests with individual school principals. Staff, students, and parents also have the right to decide if they wish to participate.
Please see the dates below for ERRC application deadlines.
Deadline for Applications
ERRC Meeting Dates
September 6, 2024
September 20, 2024
November 8, 2024
November 22, 2024
January 24, 2025
February 7, 2025
March 21, 2025
Note: This is the last date to submit applications for the 2024-25 school year.
April 4, 2025
May 16, 2025
May 30, 2025
Note: Only applications for the 2025-26 school year will be reviewed during this meeting.



Please see the following information documents for more details:

Once you have your completed ERRC package, please complete the online application form.


Common Questions and Answers:

Does my research need ethics review by the TDSB?

  • If you are accessing the TDSB’s students, staff, and/or families for research purposes, researchers must submit an application form to the External Research Review Committee. This is in addition to researcher’s own institution’s Ethics Board.
  • Please note, once applications have been approved, the final decision to participate rests with individual school principals. Staff, students, and parents also have the right to decide if they wish to participate.
  • This process is noted in the Tri-Council Policy Statement (2022), p. 44: "Researchers and REBs should be aware that institutions, organizations or other groups under study may have requirements for allowing access to their sites and to participants, and that some of these may have established mechanisms or guidelines, for instance, school boards, Indigenous communities (Chapter 9), correctional services and community groups."

How do I apply to the TDSB’s ethics review?

  • Download and read through the guidelines. Combine and merge all necessary documents into one pdf (e.g., final consent forms, final data collection materials, etc.).
  • Access the online application form, complete the form and submit your application.
  • You will receive a confirmation email when your application has been received.
  • Your application will be added to the next ERRC meeting date.
  • There is approximately a two-week turnaround time post ERRC meetings dates for a response to applications.

How do I renew or amend my research?

  • Please download and complete the renewal/amendment form and email the form to

What do I do if I am a TDSB employee and am asked to participate in external research?

  • If a study has been approved by the TDSB, researchers will have an approval letter. Please ask to see the ERRC approval letter.  Please note, the final decision to participate in an external research study rests with individual school principals. Staff, students, and parents also have the right to decide if they wish to participate. An ERRC approval letter does not endorse the study, it simply means that the TDSB has approved the research methods and applicants can move forward with recruiting participants.

Do I require a police reference check to conduct research at the TDSB?

Where can I get more information?