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TDSSAA Girls' Basketball Banner

TDSSAA Girls Basketball

Welcome to Girls Basketball!

Thank you to all the schools, volunteers, coaches, convenors, and teachers who help make this sport possible every fall season!

Please check back for updates regarding this year's TDSSAA Girls' Basketball season. Please connect with your school's Health and Physical Education department for more information.


A basketball player passing to her teammate close to the hoop while being defended.

A basketball player running the ball up court with defence closing in.

The 2023-24 junior girls basketball city champions Richview CI showing off their first place medals, trophy and banner.

JR. Girls Basketball City Champions: Richview CI

The 2023-24 senior girls A basketball city champions Ursula Franklin Academy posing with their medals, trophy and banner.
SR. Girls A City Champions: Ursula Franklin Academy 

The 2023-24 senior girls AA basketball city champions Harbord CI smiling with their medals, trophy and banner.
SR. Girls AA City Champions: Harbord CI 

The 2023-24 senior girls AAA basketball city champions Lawrence Park CI biting their gold medals.
SR. Girls AAA City Champions: Lawrence Park CI