As the Trustee for our community of schools I regularly hold events that share information and provide opportunities for parents to learn and share from each other. These events are called Ward Forums. This school year there will be number of Ward Forums held for Ward 15 Toronto-Danforth. These meetings may be in person or virtual. See below for locations, dates, and topics. Sign up to receive Ward 15 email updates.

Next Meeting
Details will be posted when available.
Past Ward Forums
- April-May 2024 Budget Town Halls: End April 25, West End April 29, Central April 30, Downtown May 2 | Flyer (PDF)
- March 28, 2024, Drop-In Hours with Trustee Sara | Flyer
- January 23, 2024, Virtual Ward Forum: School Playgrounds | Flyer (PDF) | Presentation (PDF) | Minutes (PDF)
- November 30, 2023, Ward 15 Meet and Greet | Minutes (PDF)
- September 26, 2023, Multi-Year Strategic Plan Renewal | Flyer (PDF)
- June 8, 2023, In Person Drop-in Q&A with Trustee Sara Ehrhardt | Flyer (PDF)
- June 5, 2023, Ward 15/16 Virtual Budget Forum | Flyer (PDF) | Presentation (PDF) | Minutes (PDF)
- February 23, 2023, Joint Forum with Councillor Paula Fletcher on Traffic Changes Proposed by Metrolinx for the Ontario Line North of Gerrard | Flyer PDF
- February 6, 202,3 Ward Forum and PIAC Election | Minutes (PDF)
Documentation in Alternative Format Form: If you would like a document or any other piece of information in an alternative format, please fill out the TDSB Request for Documentation in Alternative Format Form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. and we will get back to you as soon as we can.