Toronto District School Board
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Additional Qualifications Courses


Additional Qualification (AQ) courses allow teachers to expand their knowledge and skills within divisions and/or subjects where they are already qualified or where they would like to acquire knowledge in new areas. 

The Toronto District School Board is pleased to be an approved provider of AQ courses that are accredited by the Ontario College of Teachers. Typically, these courses consist of 125 hours of work, as defined in Regulation 176/10 (Ontario College of Teachers Act).  

Registration Open


Teacher Leadership

Teacher Leadership (Part 1) seeks to enhance candidates’ professional practice, knowledge, and  skills related to leading through equitable and ethical teacher leadership competencies. This AQ  course is guided by three inquiry questions that reflect a focus on theoretical, practical, and personal  identity which is fundamental to supporting and informing effective professional knowledge and  practice on the topic of Teacher Leadership. Course available April 7-June 13, learn more and register.


This course provides you with the opportunity to explore the theoretical foundations associated with  mentoring and develop a deeper understanding of the mentoring relationship. You will become  increasingly aware of the needs and gifts of beginning and student teachers alongside your own  needs and gifts as teacher-mentors. You will participate in an adult learning model, where you'll work  as a community of learners to develop technical, adaptive, and leadership skills in mentoring. Course available April 7- June 13, learn more and register.



Program Details


Course Outlines

Course outlines are submitted to candidates on the first night of the Additional Qualification course and provide information on:

  • Course instructor and principal contact information
  • Attendance policy
  • Academic honesty
  • Candidate assessment and evaluation
  • A schedule of topics (by date)
  • Assignments, including submission dates


General candidates are required to register and pay using  School Cash Online and TDSB candidates must register through MyPath and pay via School Cash Online.

Course Offerings

A full list of courses is available below and you can view more details on these course offerings for the 2025 school year.

Early Years
Kindergarten, Part 1 & 2
Kindergarten Specialist
Reading, Part 1 & 2 (Early Reading Focus)
Reading, Specialist (Early Reading Focus)

Reading, Part 1 & 2 (Adolescent Focus)
Reading, Specialist (Adolescent Focus)

Equity, Anti-Racism, Anti-Oppression
Addressing Anti-Black Racism: Pedagogy and Practice, Part 1 & 2

Mathematics, Grades 7 & 8
Mathematics, Primary/Junior Part 1 & 2
Mathematics, Primary/Junior Specialist

Special Education
Special Education, Part 1

Teachers Learning & Leading
Teaching Leadership, Part 1 & 2
Teacher Leadership, Specialist

Requirements for Specialist Qualifications (Parts 1-3)


Prerequisites for part one

  1. Certificate of Qualification or Interim Certificate of Qualification (ICQ) or ICQ (Limited). Note: a letter of Eligibility does not satisfy this admission requirement.
  2. Basic qualifications in primary or junior divisions or intermediate or senior divisions, in general studies.
  3. Primary Education, Junior Education, and Intermediate Education require a basic qualification in the respective division.
  4. An asset in having access to students in a classroom setting.

Prerequisites for part two

  1. Part 1 or equivalent
  2. Have access to students in a classroom setting (the summative assessment requires candidates to be able to apply their learning to complete action research with students) and/or be paired with a mentor teacher with access to students.
  3. One year of successful teaching experience, certified by a supervisory officer.

Prerequisites for part three (specialist)

  1. Part 2 or equivalent
  2. Have access to students in a classroom setting (the summative assessment requires candidates to be able to apply their learning to complete action research with students) and/or facilitate partnering with a teacher to fulfill this requirement.
  3. Two years of successful teaching experience, including one in the subject in Ontario, certified by a supervisory officer. Experience outside of Ontario must be certified by an appropriate supervisory official.

Tuition Fees and Payment

The cost of Additional Qualification Courses is $650.00 and a $200.00 subsidy is available for TDSB Employees. Fees are subject to change by the Toronto District School Board without notice and all payments must be made using  School Cash Online. Please note that candidates are not considered to be admitted into the course until payment has been received 2 weeks prior to the start of the course. Upon completion of the course, each participant will receive a letter confirming whether or not they have successfully completed the Additional Qualification course.

Income Tax Receipts

Official receipts for income tax (T2202A) purposes will be issued at the end of February for anyone who has paid fees and attended an Additional Qualification course with the Toronto District School Board.  Note: only tuition fees are eligible for tax deductions. For questions related to tax receipts, contact Michelle Girard in General Accounting.

Course Cancellation Procedures

The TDSB reserves the right to combine and/or cancel a course due to insufficient enrolment. A minimum of 15 participants must be enrolled and have paid their tuition by the application due deadline. Decisions regarding cancellations will be made following this date.  Participants will be notified via email if the course is canceled or combined. If a course is canceled by the TDSB, participants will receive a full refund of tuition fees paid.

Withdrawal Procedures

Candidates may withdraw from a course by notifying the Additional Qualification instructor and the Centrally Assigned Principal of AQ Courses at the Toronto District School Board promptly via email. Withdrawal is effective on the date the request is made in writing to the principal. Refunds will be provided based on the following schedule:

Date of Receipt of Written Withdrawal Notice Refund
Three business days prior to the first day of class 100% of tuition fees paid
After the first day of class 80% of tuition fees paid
After the second day of class 50% of tuition fees paid
After the third day of class NIL

Equivalent Standing

The TDSB does not grant equivalent standing and these applications must be made to the Ontario College of Teachers.

Candidate Appeal Process, Definition and Timelines

The “Appeal Procedure” may be initiated by a candidate who disagrees with the evaluation of the requirements for successful completion of Part 1, Additional Qualification Program. The “Appeal Procedure” must be initiated within 30 calendar days following notice of unsuccessful completion of the course.

Pre-Appeal Discussion

A discussion between the candidate, Additional Qualification instructor, and  Chair of the TDSB TEAC shall be held to clarify the areas of disagreement and attempt to resolve the issue(s) of concern.

Appeal Process

If the issues cannot be resolved, the candidate shall initiate the appeal procedure by sending a request in writing to the Chair of the TDSB TEAC.

  • A copy of the appeal request shall be forwarded to the candidate’s instructor for the AQ course.
  • The letter of appeal shall outline:
    • The specific areas of contention
    • The specific reasons why the candidate believes the assigned material should be reassessed
    • Any other information that the candidate deems relevant
  • On receipt of the letter of appeal, the Chair of the TDSB TEAC shall convene an appeal panel within 30 calendar days.
  • The appeal panel shall consist of:
    • An Additional Qualification instructor or developer not involved in the individual course and who is acceptable to both the candidate and the TDSB TEAC.
    • A person of the candidate’s choosing, who is a practicing teacher (including consultants who are teachers), principal or supervisory officer and who is not from the candidate’s school board.
    • A person chosen by the TDSB TEAC who is presently a teacher (including consultants who are teachers), principal or supervisory officer and not from the candidate’s school board.
    • The Chair of the TDSB TEAC shall chair the appeal panel as a non-voting member.
  • The candidate shall be advised in writing of the time, date and place the appeal panel will convene.
  • The candidate has a right to be present throughout the appeal panel deliberations and may present materials and issues related to the assignments.
  • The candidate has access to all materials relating to course evaluation.
  • The candidate shall have the right to respond in writing to any aspect of the assessment material and original written report. The candidate’s response shall form part of the documentation at the appeal.
  • The candidate and the instructor will each be given an opportunity to make a presentation to the appeal panel.
  • The appeal panel shall consider the written records and obtain clarification of the candidate’s concerns during the appeal panel deliberations.
  • The appeal panel shall reach a ruling on the appeal within seven calendar days of the appeal.
  • The decision of the appeal shall be final.
  • The Chair of the TDSB TEAC shall convey the appeal panel decision in writing to the candidate.