The Youth Internships (YI) program is a national initiative coordinated by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and funded through the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment Strategy (YES).
Objectives of this year’s program are:
- To support Canadian youth in gaining a wide range of digital skills and to assist them with their transition to the labour market
- Emphasis is on the acquisition of digital skills so Intern Host Organizations (IHOs) must demonstrate that they have capacity to train and mentor youth
- to increase the supply of qualified people
- to promote the benefits of advanced studies
- to demonstrate federal leadership by investing in the skills required to meet the needs of the knowledge economy
Eligible Activities by Intern Host Organizations (IHOs)
The eligible activities offered by IHOs are those that allow Interns to acquire the information and communications technology (ICT) skills needed to support a successful transition into the labour market including:
- providing training, orientation and mentoring to participants to enhance and maximize the participants' experience; and
- supporting the participants in the development and implementation of work activities to provide participants with meaningful work experience.
To participate in the YI Program, participants must:
- be between the ages of 15 and 30 at the time of intake;
- have demonstrated skills achievement at the post-secondary level - this means that the participant must have more than secondary school achievement. If the participant is a high school dropout who has taken an equivalency course or courses, they would not qualify. If the participant entered university or college as a mature student and is pursuing a course of study at the post-secondary level, they would qualify;
- intend to gain ICT skills and knowledge;
- meet the job requirements of the IHO, which should include stated ICT-related activities;
- be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or person who has been granted refugee status in Canada and be legally entitled to work in Canada; and must not be in receipt of Employment Insurance (EI) benefits while participating in a CF project.
Activities under the Youth Internship Initiative
Through the Youth Internship Initiative, TDSB, will manage a network of Intern Host Organizations (IHOs) for the purpose of providing them with YI funding and program development. Youth Interns will be able to participate in internship activities such as:
- on-the-job training, orientation and mentorship to enhance and maximize the experience;
- support in the development and implementation of work activities to provide meaningful ICT work related to their professional future; and
- exposure to other related work assignments related to ICT in order to broaden their work experience
Contact Us
Youth Internship Program
3478 Lawrence Avenue East
Unit C006, Toronto
416 396-8100
[email protected]