Insights from our students and staff

Using the student and staff censuses to inform inclusive and supportive learning environments.

Large group of staff on a stage

In 2023, 138,240 TDSB students from grades 4 to 12 and parents, guardians and caregivers of Junior Kindergarten to grade 3 students participated in the Student Census. The information provided by students and families is being used across the TDSB to inform various policy directions to ensure data-informed decision-making on an ongoing basis. 

Student Census data, demographics and student learning experiences are integrated with a variety of program and policy-related data (e.g., student achievement information, program data, suspensions, etc.) is important information for contextualizing core areas of TDSB policy work. It also helps with understanding how communities and students experience TDSB schooling and supports the operationalizing of our Multi-Year Strategic Plan

At a school level, data is shared to support School Improvement Planning (SIP) through an interactive Power Bi reporting tool. This new tool allows staff to use Student Census data in an engaging way, allowing them to filter information for their specific needs in ways that were not previously possible. Learn more about how the Student Census is being used.

Discovering the perspectives of our dedicated staff from our census

The TDSB’s fourth Staff Census was carried out in May 2022, with over 31,000 employees, or 83.1% of the TDSB workforce participating in the voluntary, anonymous survey. Information from the Staff Census helps with understanding the complexity associated with intersecting staff identities and workplace experiences.  

This information has been very important for informing the recent review, revisions, and development of policies, operational procedures, and practices in employment equity and organizational culture at TDSB. The Board is committed to identifying and removing systemic barriers in employment, including hiring, promotion, and retention, to achieve a diverse workforce and create the necessary conditions for student achievement and well-being. Learn about some of the latest examples of staff excellence on the Excellence Awards website.