Shaping tomorrow with our new Multi-Year Strategic Plan

Building and implementing our roadmap for student success.

Several TDSB staff members sitting and standing in a room in discussion

The new Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP), Inspiring Minds and Shaping Futures: Our Multi-Year Commitment to Student Success was approved at this year’s April board meeting. This plan sets direction and identifies system goals to support the TDSB's 239,000 students in 579 schools. Here are some key initiatives that have taken place from Spring to December 2024: 

  • Posters featuring the newly launched plan were delivered to all schools 
  • The Business and Operations departments also shared poster materials with executives, managers and senior managers 
  • The MYSP Operational Plan was developed by the new programming department, led by Diana Panagiotopoulos and her team.   

This Fall, the following strategies were launched to guide the implementation of the plan: 

Multi-Year Strategic Plan, 2024-2028 Report Cover