Pathways to success in literacy for all

Using specialized literacy interventions to strengthen student success.

Teacher pointing to chart paper as student reads aloud

The TDSB Early Years and Literacy team is dedicated to ensuring that students have the support they need to thrive in school and in life.  This is done by providing students with ongoing literacy supports and interventions in every school.


Intervention Schools and Teachers

The Early Years and Literacy team is thrilled to announce the expansion of the Literacy Intervention Model in 70 TDSB schools.  Early Reading Intervention Specialist Teachers (ERIST) have been assigned to particular schools to support reading intervention in early years classrooms showing the most need, as indicated by comprehensive data sets.  These specialists work within Kindergarten to Grade 3 classrooms to provide support for both student and educator learning. The Early Reading Intervention Specialist Teachers also support all elementary schools during the term 1 reading screening process in kindergarten to grade 2 classrooms.

With a focus on eliminating the gaps in students’ reaching achievement benchmarks, the Intervention Team is working to support the goal of the Multi-Year Strategic Plan that “all students, regardless of their identity, are able to create, communicate, read, write and think critically with confidence, fluency, and enjoyment.”


Grade two intervention kits

The Early Years Department is excited to share the Grade Two Early Reading Intervention Toolkit with grade two educators in the English programs in every school. Grade 1 Early Reading Intervention Toolkits were distributed to all grade one classrooms in the 2023-2024 school year.

This toolkit was created intentionally to support students who continue to strive in their reading development in grade two. It contains a number of resources to support educators in creating a rich, comprehensive, culturally relevant and responsive literacy program including an identity-affirming picture book, decodable texts and supporting guides and materials that educators can use to engage in effective, evidence-based literacy instruction.   

The Grade Two Early Reading Intervention Toolkit provides an opportunity for educators to consider ways to embed explicit and systematic instruction of foundational reading skills within relevant, meaningful, culturally relevant and responsive contexts that honour and reaffirm positive reader identities.