The workforce at the heart of education in Toronto

Supporting the staff who support our students and families.

Staff seated in circle speaking to one another

In 2024, TDSB’s long standing Employee Services Department continued its transformation journey to People & Culture in an effort to create a strategic, modern and effective human resources department for the system. People & Culture finalized its operating model and successfully completed the first phase of transformation, as the following goals were realized:

The integration of elementary, secondary and support staff offices

The Elementary, Secondary and Support Staff Offices have been de-siloed so that staff can work in an enterprise format that is more collaborative and integrated, to provide strategic and consistent services to the system.

Creation of new communities of expertise

Three new communities of expertise have been created within People & Culture, including Partner Resources, Talent Management, and Operations and Analytics to provide a specialized service delivery model to the system.

The Partner Resources Centre of Excellence performs the business partner function and is the first point of contact for the system for all People & Culture related inquiries. The Talent Management COE includes recruitment, professional development, succession planning strategies and developing TDSB’s talent pipeline. The Operations & Analytics Centre of Excellence is currently being developed and will include workforce and staffing administration, records management, and inquiry management.

Staff member leads professional development session


The Restructuring of Disability Case Management to Health, Wellness and Abilities

The TDSB’s Disability Case Management Department has undergone a restructuring, where staff are all working in an integrated and collaborative manner within the Centre of Excellence (COE). The COE has been renamed “Health, Wellness, and Abilities” to focus on employee health and well-being as a primary function.


An attendance management strategy

Following the release of the Attendance Support Programs policy in June 2024, the TDSB launched its attendance support strategy, including the development of an Attendance Support Procedure, Attendance Dashboard, training to Administrators and Business Managers, and communicating to staff the importance of regular attendance at work.


Technology advancement

People & Culture successfully piloted the Inquiry Management System, which is a ticketing system used to effectively and efficiently respond to system-wide inquiries in a modern, consistent, and responsive manner. The team also successfully piloted the Attendance Support Dashboard, which is a tool to be used by Administrators and Business Managers to track absences and trends in their respective departments to promote meaningful attendance at work.

Two staff members smile and pose


Supporting employment equity

In spring of 2024, TDSB renewed its Employment Equity Policy (now called “Employment Equity and Inclusive Employment”), which was passed by an overwhelming majority of the Board of Trustees. The Employment Equity and Inclusive Employment Policy is grounded in recent staff and student census data, and has a goal to reduce barriers to employment for historically and currently disadvantaged groups and address gaps in representation between the TDSB staff and TDSB student population.