Stewarding resources for student success

Managing and allocating resources to support excellence in education.

Desk with laptop with graphs on screen and person seated at desk, writing on paper with graphs

The TDSB is committed to the effective use of resources and reviewing and improving our financial controls across the system to ensure that every dollar spent has a positive impact on student achievement and wellbeing.

The Board continues to make decisions that align resources with our Multi-Year Strategic Plan pillars, committing to equity, achievement and the well-being of all students.

In Fall 2024, the TDSB’s external facing website was refreshed to provide a clearer explanation of the annual budget process and engage communities. 

Stewarding resources for student success budget summary

The updates included an overview on how school boards are funded and when budget decisions are made throughout the year.

As Canada’s largest school board, the size of the TDSB’s student population and operations means there are significant pressures on the system. Some of the ongoing budget pressures were outlined, including:

  • Meeting the needs of special education
  • Resources to support student and staff mental health, safety and well-being
  • Supply staffing costs (teachers and educational assistants)
  • Information technology supports to support student achievement (e.g. devices, infrastructure and cyber security)
  • Accessible schools for students and staff
  • Improvements to school ventilation
  • Supporting the community use of schools through permits
  • Maintenance of existing schools and the renewal of aging infrastructure
  • Keeping pace with rising operator contracts for student transportation