In November 2024, students may apply for admission to Grade 9 and 10 only. Students will be admitted in Grade 10 if space is available.
Students apply to one of the 3 program spotlights. All students will take TAS1O1 – Technology and the Skilled Trades taught through an Arts-focused lens. This course is a graduation requirement. In addition, students will select ONE of the bolded courses from each spotlight (anchor course) related to their preferred art program of interest. In subsequent years, students will have the opportunity to take two or more courses in the Arts
Program Spotlight
Anchor Courses (choose 1)
Contemporary Arts Yellow 60% - 80%
Visual Art (AVI1O)
Performing Arts Green 80% - 100%
Dance: (ATC1O)
Instrumental Music: (AMR1O) Musical Theatre: (ADB1O)
Drama/Film Green 80% - 100%
(ADV1O) Drama: (ADA1O)
In November 2024, students may apply for admission to Grades 9, 10 and 11. Students will be admitted in Grades 10-11 if space is available.
All students are expected to take a minimum of 2 art courses per year. Students can select courses or a combination of courses from any department according to their area/s of interest.
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11 & 12
Dramatic Arts (ADA1OP)
Visual Arts (AVI1OP)
Expressions of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Voices (NAC1OP)
Music Band (AMI1OP)
Music Strings (AMS1OP)
Music Vocal (AMV1OP)
*Dance (ATC1OP)
Drama: Drama and Technical Theatre
Dance: Single or Double Credit Dance
Music: Strings, Band, Guitar, Orchestra and Vocal
Art: Visual Art, Ceramics and Media Arts
Drama: Drama, Drama Production and Musical Theatre
Dance: Single or Double Credit Dance
Music: Strings, Band, Guitar, Orchestra, Vocal and Music for Creating
Art: Drawing and Painting, Life Drawing, Ceramics, Photography, Graphics, Film and video, Non-Traditional Art and Fashion and Textile Design (Gr 12 only)
*Student may opt to defer Healthy and Active Living (Phys Ed.) and take Dance as a third Art course.
In November 2024, students may apply for admission to Grades 9, 10 and 11. Students will be admitted in Grades 10-11 if space is available.
The Specialized Visual Art Program at the Central Tech Art Centre is guided by a philosophy of art education that is reminiscent of Germany’s legendary Bauhaus. Students in our program will develop fundamental skills across a wide range of different media, learning to produce various kinds of art concurrently rather than favouring one medium over another. Instruction is delivered in a manner that balances the development of technical skills with the introduction of conceptual ideas. This style of learning helps to foster a well-rounded artistic skill set and maximizes a student's creative growth. All of our Visual Art instructors have extensive postsecondary training in their area of instruction and/or significant industry experience in their respective fields.
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Drawing and Painting (AWM1OP)
Non-Traditional Art (AWT1OP)
Drawing and Painting (AWM2OP)
Non-Traditional Art (AWT2OP)
Drawing and Painting (AWM3MP)
Non-Traditional Art (AWT3MP)
Drawing and Painting (AW4MP)
Non-Traditional Art (AWT4MP)
In November 2024, students may apply for admission to Grades 9 and 10. Students will be admitted in Grades 10 if space is available.
Performing Arts Applicants:
Students applying to the Performing Arts will be asked to select three of the four course offerings and will be scheduled into two of their choices.
Visual Media Arts Applicants:
In Visual Media Arts, all of the students will take Grade 9 Visual Art (AVI1OP) in Semester 1 and Grade 10 Visual Art (AVI2OP) in Semester 2. As a result, students will have a wide variety of options in Grade 10.
Program Structure
Required Grade 9 Courses
Grade 10 Courses
Grade 11 & 12
Students choose from:
Performing Arts Green 80% - 100%
2 of:
- Dance (ATC1OP)
- Drama (ADD1OP)
- Band (AMI1OP)
- Vocal Music (AMV1OP)
- Music Theatre (ABD1OP)
2 of:
- Dance (ATC2OP)
- Drama (ADD2OP)
- Band (AMI2OP)
- Vocal Music (AMV2OP)
- Music Theatre (ABD2OP)
- Dance (ATC3/4MP)
- Drama (ADG3/4MP)
- Band (AMI3/4MP)
- Vocal Music (AMV3/4MP)
Visual Media Art Green 80% - 100%
- Visual Arts (AVI1OP)
- Gr. 10 Visual Arts (AVI2OP)
- Visual Arts (AVI3MP)
- Communication Technology (TGJ2OP)
- Graphic Design (AWE3/4MP)
- Illustration (AWK3/4MP)
- Life Drawing (AWL3/4MP)
- Painting (AWN4MP)
- Sculpture and Ceramics (AWP3/4MP)

In November 2024, students may apply for admission to Grade 9 and Grade 10. Students will be admitted in Grade 10 if space is available.
The Woburn Arts Collective was designed by students for all learners with a desire to expand their knowledge, work collaboratively and innovate with a focus in the Arts. Our goal is to make the Arts accessible for all while adapting to a changing workplace which is more technologically advanced and requires creative problem solving skills.
In addition to taking specific Arts-focus courses, each year students will participate in an Integrated Arts program where all students will be working alongside and with each other. For more details about the Integrated Arts program, please visit the Woburn Arts Collective Website.
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
One of: Dance, Visual Art Music and Drama
One of: Dance, Media Arts, Visual Art, Music and Drama
One or more of many Grade 11 Arts options
One or more of many Grade 12 Arts options
Integrated Arts (ALC1OP)
Students will choose to explore within: Dance, Musics, Visual Art, Media Arts and Design.
Integrated Arts (ALC2OP)
Students will choose to explore the integration of multiple Arts forms
Exploring and Creating in the Arts (AEA3OP)
Interdisciplinary Studies in the Arts (IDC4UP)