Year 2 - Implementing Strategy
- Introduce "Years of Action Framework 2013 - 2017"
- Revise Mental Health Strategy and develop SMART goals to align with the Board Improvement Plan - Student Achievement and Foundations for a Healthy School incorporating the input from the groups consulted
- Focus professional and staff development on increasing mental health foundational knowledge among staff , students and parents
- Develop professional learning modules on specific mental health topics, (i.e. anxiety, depression) for administrators, educators, students and parents
- Establish a Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention Working Group to develop system wide protocol
- Develop training packages for staff by Professional Support Services staff, in the area of suicide awareness and clinical suicide intervention to deliver systematically across the Board.
- Create written material and mental health resource guides/lists for staff, students and parents
- Position and utilize key staff in each Family of Schools and in every school as champions of mental health
- Work to establish Mental Health Teams in every school that will develop a unique school plan for mental health promotion and education
- Ensure ongoing dialogue with School-based Mental Health Workers and Priority Access Workers –(Ministry of Children and Youth Services) as well as Mental Health and Addictions Nurses (Ministry of Health and Long Term Care) to provide an improved and better coordinated system of care for our students