Integrating, Enhancing and Embedding the Children and Youth Mental Health and Well-Being Strategy - Year 4: 2015/2016
- Review the Children and Youth Mental Health and Well-Being Strategy to identify progress and achievement of goals and objectives as set out in the Years of Action 2013-2017 and in the Board Improvement Plan - Student Achievement (BIPSA).
- Identify key actions and measurable outcomes for 2015/2016.
- Review the Communications Plan detailing the actions and activities for the 2015/2016 school year to support the ongoing exposure and education of mental health and well-being across the system.
- Create and implement training modules to further enhance the foundational knowledge established by going deeper into specific topics such as Depression and Mood for administrators, educators, students and parents.
- Develop system capacity to understand mental health and well-being as it pertains to specific populations - Early Years, Aboriginal and LGBTQI populations.
- Provide ongoing tiered professional development to all staff in the area of Anxiety.
- Raise the awareness and knowledge of staff , students and parents in dealing with suicide prevention, intervention and postvention through capacity building, programming and work with community partners and relevant agencies.
- Position and utilize key staff in each Family of Schools and in every school as champions of mental health.
- Support Mental Health Teams in every school to develop and implement mental health action plans.
- Support the implementation of a “Caring Adult” program in every school to ensure Healthy Schools. Healthy Relationships.
- Strengthen evidence-based practices, activities and initiatives that support mental health promotion, prevention and intervention.
- Engage students as leaders in promoting and implementing positive mental health and well-being.
- Enhance parent engagement and “parents as partners” in supporting students’ mental health and well-being.
- Strengthen pathways through continued collaboration with community and health partners, as well as various Ministries such as the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care to provide an improved and better coordinated system of care for our students.