Toronto District School Board
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School councils may start requesting school council permits by:

School Councils Permits
School Councils will be given a no-cost permit to access the school during non-school hours (Monday to Friday) for the monthly school council meeting. A no-cost permit will also be given for other School Council related meetings, provided that:

  • All meetings adhere to the mandate of councils, as outlined in Ontario Regulation 612.
  • Appropriate insurance for events outside of the Board’s scope has been purchased
  • Custodians are available and regularly scheduled to work 

Should the school in question not have sufficient caretaking staff regularly scheduled to provide access for the additional permit, the School Council will be granted a no-cost permit at a nearby school with available space and staffing.

For questions or assistance regarding setting up your eBase Permit Account or Permit fees, please contact the Permit Unit via email at [email protected] or call 416-395-7666.