Toronto District School Board
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Freedom of Information & Privacy

Protecting your Personal Information
The Toronto District School Board is committed to the highest level of privacy and confidentiality. TDSB has a duty to protect the personal information that TDSB collects, uses and discloses under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56 (MFIPPA) in its custody and control.  MFIPPA also establishes a right for individuals to access and request corrections to their personal information, as well as to access general records held by TDSB.

Collection of Personal Information:
Under MFIPPA, TDSB must have the legal authority to collect personal information. When personal information is collected, TDSB should provide the individual(s) whose personal information is being collected with a notice of collection that should include specific details on the following three requirements:

  • the legal authority for the collection;
  • the principle purpose(s) for which the personal information is intended to be used ;
  • the title, business address and telephone number of a person employed by TDSB who can answer questions about the collection .

TDSB Policy and Procedure
In addition to the statutory requirements set out in MFIPPA, privacy and access to information within TDSB is also guided by TDSB's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Policy (P094) and its associated Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Procedure (PR676) .

Privacy Complaints and Breaches
A privacy breach is defined in TDSB Policy P094 - Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Policy and occurs when your personal information is stolen, lost, used or disclosed without proper authorization. If you feel that your privacy has been breached by TDSB, please contact TDSB Freedom of Information and Privacy Office or send a letter with the details:

By Mail:

Toronto District School Board

Freedom of Information and Privacy Office

5050 Yonge Street, 5th Floor

Toronto, Ontario M2N 5N8


By Email:
[email protected] 

Please note that the details will assist TDSB in identifying, containing, and reporting suspected or confirmed privacy breaches.


Please note that you also have a right to notify IPC of a privacy breach.  For more information on the IPC’s privacy breach notification process please visit the IPC website .

TDSB Records Management

TDSB records that relate to the operation and administration of TDSB are managed in accordance with the TDSB Records and Information Management Policy and its associated procedure: