Toronto District School Board
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TDSB Local Neighbourhood Support Program

On February 19, 2025, the Board approved the creation of a new subsidy permit rate called Category “A,” which would include the highest subsidy rate of 80 per cent (80%), for LNSP permits. This new rate will be applied to any new LNSP permit requests, and all existing LNSP permits will continue at no cost until August 2025. Effective September 1, 2025 the new rate will be applicable to all LNSP permits.

During the 2019 provincial funding announcements, funding for the Priority Schools Initiative (PSI) was eliminated. PSI funding provided no cost school permits to eligible community groups for eligible free or low-cost programs. In recognition of the valuable services provided to our communities by the PSI program, the TDSB made a commitment to provide no cost permits to not-for-profit community groups at designated locations, provided that there are no additional costs to TDSB. Staff identified 45 TDSB schools, all located in Priority Neighbourhoods, and designated them as Local Neighbourhood Support Program (LNSP) sites. All of these sites were former PSI schools.

LNSP is modelled on the former PSI program and permits at LNSP locations are reserved for eligible groups, provided space is available. Permit applications are submitted via eBase with the applicant selecting “LNSP” as the permit type to access the list of the 45 TDSB Schools. Permit staff review each application to ensure eligibility.


For school locations offering LNSP programs, please view the


Eligibility Criteria:

  • Not for profit community organizations offering recreational programs in priority neighbourhoods
  • Programs will serve children, youth, and seniors
  • Program meets specific community need
  • Priority will be given to groups who provide free or subsidized low-cost programming
  • Over 75% of the participants are from the school ward or neighbourhood improvement area



Season Duration Hours
School Year (Sept - June) Monday to Friday 6 p.m - 10 p.m
March Break Monday to Friday 9 a.m - 5 p.m
Summer July and August 9 a.m - 5 p.m


Special Conditions:
No weekend hours are permitted under LNSP as the TDSB cannot incur additional costs such as caretaking overtime etc.