At the TDSB, engaging with parents, caregivers and guardians matters. They play a very important role in ensuring the success of our schools and our
students. Their engagement in the education of children can also have a significant
impact on achievement and well-being.
There are a variety of ways that
you can get involved and contribute to your school and the Board community from
volunteering in
your local school, participating in
school councils, engaging in learning at home, to participating on an advisory committee, you can make a difference and have your voice heard. Find
out more
Model Schools
for Inner Cities also offers an array of workshops, training, resources and
information for parents and caregivers. Parent/Caregiver and Community Support
Workers (PCCEWs) work within the program to connect, link and liaison parents
and caregivers with schools and services.
more about Parent/Caregiver and Community Support Workers and initiatives for
parents and caregivers within the Model Schools program.
The Inner City Advisory Committee
The Inner City Advisory Committee advises the TDSB on matters concerning learning opportunities for students in inner city communities and on Board policies and programs addressing the socio-economic circumstances of students and families across the system, including the Model Schools for Inner Cities program . The membership is comprised of community resource persons, parent/caregivers, educators, designated TDSB staff and trustees appointed by the Board. The ICAC is co-chaired by TDSB Trustees and a Community Co-chair, Ms Ingrid Palmer, elected in 2014.
EarlyON Centres
EarlyON Centres are free, school-based programs for parents and caregivers with children from infants to age six. These fun, play-based programs are designed to support your child’s early learning and development and are aligned with the Kindergarten program. They offer a safe, nurturing and stimulating program where children can play and parents can connect with other parents in the community. Find an EarlyON Centre location near you.