Toronto District School Board
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Principal & Vice-Principal Positions

Selection, Promotion & Placement Process For School Principals And Vice-Principals


Fall 2024 Teacher to Vice-Principal Selection Process Timelines
Spring 2025 Teacher to Vice-Principal Selection Process Timelines

As per Section 1.1.3 of the Selection, Promotion and Placement Process for School Principals and Vice-Principals (PR705), the determination has been made that system needs will be met by running a Fall and Spring process for the 2024-25 school year.


Section 4 - Resume Review and Principal SOE Joint Recommendation Process
Section 5 - The Interview Process (Teacher to Vice-Principal)
Interviews will be virtual. The interview process will be outlined to all potential applicants at the Teacher to VP information session.
Appendix B - Leadership Practices Tool and Principals Reference Notes (529K 8/31/2018)
Appendix G - Principal/SOE Joint Reference Form (Teacher to VP)

2024/25 - Elementary and Secondary Vice-Principal to Principal Selection Process

To begin the process, qualified candidates who are interested in applying for the position of Principal are asked to complete and submit the “Notice of Intent to Apply” form. This form will provide notice to your Principal and Superintendent of your interest in applying for an administrative position. Once you submit the completed Notice of Intent to Apply Form, signed by your Principal and Superintendent, as outlined on the attached form, your Principal and Superintendent* will then work with you regarding next steps following the “Critical Steps in the Vice-Principal to Principal Selection Process”.

*Please note that External Candidates will be assigned a TDSB Superintendent of Education to assist with the process.

Materials related to the promotion process that identify and explain what potential candidates must consider can be accessed electronically:

All candidates considering submitting a Notice of Intent should carefully read the “Selection, Promotion and Placement Process for School Principals and Vice-Principals” (PR705) document to ensure they familiarize themselves with the process.

Please note that there will be dialogue dates throughout the year for those that are successful in reaching that stage of the process.

If you are an external applicant to the Toronto District School Board and wish to attend the virtual Information Session for Candidates Expressing Interest in the 2024-25 Vice-Principal to Principal Promotion Selection Process, please send an email to [email protected] for further information.

Region Listing

Learning Centre Ward and Boundary Map
Superintendents of Education School List

If you have any questions please send an e-mail to [email protected]

For detailed information about the Principal/Vice-Principal Process please see PR705
*Please note this Operational Procedure is under review.