In light of the significant
increase in the use of video and audio conference platforms to facilitate
public consultations, virtual consultations may
be recorded by Toronto District School Board (“TDSB”). TDSB staff considering
recording video- and audio-conference-based consultations must consider TDSB’s
statutory obligations related to the collection and use of personal
information. TDSB is obligated to collect, use, disclose, store and dispose of
personal information in accordance with Municipal Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56 (“MFIPPA”)
Privacy Concerns
TDSB staff will make every effort
to protect recordings by making reasonable physical, and technical security
arrangements against such risks as unauthorized access, collection, use,
disclosure, or disposal. Web conferences do have the potential to put the
participants in the position of having their personal information recorded,
through their name, image, voice and
other identifiable information.
Participants do have the right to
not have their image or other personal information recorded. For example,
participants may choose to have their cameras off and use the chat pod to participate in discussions rather than
using audio responses.
Why Record?
Recordings allow participants to
review the session or share with participants who were not able to attend
public consultations. Participants can benefit from recordings by being able to
review the discussions as needed and to stay updated with any consultations
missed due to absence.
Using Caution
When public consultations are
being recorded, please ensure that you are aware of what is in your background
in order to not reveal too much personal information about yourself. Consider
blurring your background.
Disclosure of personal
information is not authorized to any third parties unless expressly provided
for under MFIPPA. For example, a recorded online session or activity shall not
be disclosed by posting it on a third party website or a YouTube channel if
personal information was collected during the recording.
TDSB Policies and Procedures
All recordings are subject to
MFIPPA, as well as TDSB Policy P094 - Freedom of Information and Protection of
Privacy, TDSB Procedure PR676 - Freedom of Information and Protection of
Privacy, TDSB Procedure PR731 - Virtual Consultations and other applicable TDSB policies and
procedures, which are available at
Notice of Collection and Use
of Personal Information:
Personal information on this form
is collected under the authority of sections 58.5(1), 169.1-173, 302 of the
Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.E.2 (the “Education Act”) and O. Reg. 612/00:
School Councils and Parent Involvement Committees under the Education Act and
will be used by Toronto District School Board (“TDSB”) to support the
development and implementation of TDSB's programs, services, and policies;
inform the public about TDSB’s key issues and their implications; and uphold
TDSB’s commitment to parent and community engagement in decision-making at
TDSB. This information is retained in accordance with Municipal Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56 and may be
disclosed to TDSB and school staff and public consultation participants in
order to administer the above purposes. Questions about the collection may be
directed to the Senior Manager of Planning, 1 Civic Centre, Ontario, M9C 2B3 or
at [email protected] or by telephone at 416-394-PLAN (7526).