Hate and racism are learned and can be unlearned through instruction directly connected to the Expectations in the Ontario Curriculum. While learning about racism and hate, it is important to ensure an understanding of why we must create more equitable learning environments. It is critical to ensure that students have an opportunity to share their identities and learn about others’ identities in positive and affirming ways that are not defined by hate and racism. This work in classrooms must begin with affirmation and goes beyond pain and struggle.
TDSB will identify expectations across subjects and courses where students’ lived experiences and identities should be integrated into the teaching of the Ontario Curriculum. This includes, but is not limited to, teaching about colonization, genocide, transatlantic enslavement of African Peoples, Holocaust, and internment of Asian Canadians. In this approach, classrooms become learning environments where students learn collectively about historical as well as current day experiences of hate and racism so that they can recognize and develop the skills to combat these various forms when they occur in their lives. Every student must feel seen, heard, respected, and understood by both their peers and educators. They also need to develop the skills to tackle, report and respond to hate and racism.
TDSB offers courses to help affirm students intersecting identities as well as better understand racism, hate, intolerance and oppression. These courses include:
- Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity (CHG381)
- Canada: History, Identity, and Culture (CHI4U)
- Politics in Action (CPC3O1)
- World Cultures (HSC4M)
- Equity & Social Justice: From Theory to Practice (HSE4M1)
- Deconstructing Anti-Black Racism (IDC4U)
Courses with an Indigenous Focus and Perspectives: There will be consultation with the
Urban Indigenous Education Centre staff and Elders with regards to offering Indigenous
focused courses to more students.
A review of the current courses offered is being undertaken to determine which other courses should be added to the secondary course offerings to support learning about historical and contemporary perspectives to combat racism and hate. As well a continued effort to advocate for courses like these to become compulsory.
Courses will be offered in 50% of secondary schools in Semester 1, 2022