Toronto District School Board
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Capital Planning Process


On June 17, 2015 the TDSB Board of Trustees approved a Three-Year Capital Budget that includes priority projects and priority expenditures to address urgent capital needs. The approved Capital Plan includes

  • revenue from previously sold sites;
  • community consultation to address the sale of closed schools that have been already sent to Toronto Lands Corporation (TLC) to administer;
  • capital grants provided by the Ministry to renew and renovate 2 school sites; and,
  • a plan to renew and renovate previously approved priority projects and identified future projects.

On February 10, 2015, in response to the Wilson Report and Directive #9, the TDSB approved staff to undertake community consultations on previously decommissioned sites that are with the Toronto Lands Corporation. The Board and TLC staff will begin consultations in the fall of 2015 and early 2016. Prior to community consultations, staff will meet with city planning and community agencies to consider other uses for these buildings. Read our fact sheet for a list of these sites.

While the Board will continue to invest in schools that are in urgent need of school repairs, we will continue to push for equal access to Educational Development Charges (EDCs) to address the impact of growth on schools in City's designated growth areas. Read our fact sheet for more information about the sources of revenue for the TDSB.

While our school repair backlog has exceeded $3.5 billion (July 2016), the Board will continue to utilize the additional $112 million in funding received from the Ministry to repair and modernize our schools. Read our fact sheet that explains how we plan to use this money to repair our schools.

More information will be available as we move through this process and as community information meetings are scheduled.



Capital Planning Process