Can requests be made through the mail?
No. You must submit an online request via the OTSR application and complete the online request form.
What is required when ordering a transcript?
Ordering a transcript: Completion of an online request, and online payment is required.
How long does a request take to process?
Requests take approximately two (2) weeks to process. The Toronto District School Board does not provide same-day service.
Can I order a replacement diploma, or order a diploma I never picked up?
A replacement diploma can only be approved/issued at the discretion of the current school Principal, please contact your graduating school. If you never picked up your diploma, please contact your graduating school to see if it is available. The Transcript Office does not issue or replace diplomas.
Can my transcript be emailed to me?
No, transcripts are only emailed to post-secondary institutions.
What are the office hours for the Central Transcript Office?
Office hours are Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. (excluding statutory holidays, March Break, the second Thursday in July and Winter Break).
TDSB Central Transcript Office
Phone: 416-396-4783
Fax: 416-396-6713
E-mail: [email protected]