Toronto District School Board
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Business and Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is a chance to apply your knowledge and skills through hands-on experiences. These opportunities build valuable knowledge, essential skills, work habits, technical literacy and networks in business, industry and the community.

The following opportunities in experiential learning are available to high school students:

For more information:

Allan Easton, Centrally Assigned Principal, Transforming Student Learning & Equity


[email protected]


James Corbett, Program Coordinator, Transforming Student Learning & Equity


[email protected]


Larissa Barr, Assistant Coordinator: Transforming Student Learning & Equity


[email protected]


Business Studies

Business Studies provide opportunities for real-world learning experiences at every grade level through apprenticeship, college, university and workplace programs. The curriculum focuses on the function and operation of businesses, from small businesses to multinational enterprises.

Cooperative Education courses can be linked to senior Business Studies subjects for real-world experience, providing valuable career information and connections to future work and business opportunities.

Financial Literacy in Business Studies

A focus on financial literacy in business studies provides the tools necessary to make sound, lifelong financial decisions. A solid foundation provides an understanding of responsible, ethical and compassionate financial decision making.

Cooperative Education (Co-op)

Cooperative education (co-op) is a credit course that provides the opportunity to use what is learned in the classroom and apply it in the workplace. Co-op is an opportunity to “try out” a career and can help with making decisions about your future. You will also develop work habits, attitudes and job skills necessary for a successful transition to post-secondary education or the workplace.

How to Participate

Students can apply to take a cooperative education program when selecting courses through the co-op or guidance office. Before being accepted, you must complete an application and interview. Before beginning a co-op placement, you will attend pre-placement classes to help prepare for the workplace. You will also continue to take scheduled classes throughout the placement.

There is no limit to the number of co-op credits you can take. Up to two cooperative education credits can also count towards your 18 compulsory credits.


Specialized Co-op Programs

Adult Programs
Experiential learning programs are available for adult students at the following sites:
Area of Toronto School Contact Information
SW Burnhamthorpe Adult Learning Centre
500 The East Mall
Etobicoke, ON M9B 2C4
Phone: 416-394-3870
SE City Adult Learning Centre (CALC)
1 Danforth Avenue
Toronto, ON M4K 1M8
Phone: 416-393-9745
NE Scarborough Centre for Alternative Studies (SCAS)
939 Progress Avenue
Scarborough, ON M1G 3T8
Phone: 416-396-6921
NW Emery Adult Learning Centre
3395 Weston Road
North York, ON M2M 3V9
Phone: 416-395-3233
NW Yorkdale Adult Learning Centre
38 Orfus Road
Toronto, ON M6A 1L6
Phone: 416-395-4417

Adult Programs

Experiential learning programs are available for adult students at the following sites:


Other Forms of Experiential Learning

Work-Site Visit

Work-site visits allow you to spend a half or full day touring a workplace with your teacher and class to hear from employees in different jobs. It's an opportunity to see the various occupations available in a workplace or sector. Teachers in any course of study can plan work-site visits and you can ask your teachers about possible visits planned throughout the year.

Job Shadowing and Job Twinning

Students may accompany a cooperative education student to his/her placement for a half or full day to learn more and observe what someone does in their job, one-on-one. You can participate in more than one job shadowing or twinning experience and as part of any credit course.

Work Experience

Work experience allows you to participate in a workplace for a limited time (from one week to four weeks) and can be part of any credit course. It's an opportunity to try out an occupation related to a school subject and make connections with the school curriculum in a work setting. You can participate in more than one work experience in any school year.