To get the most from your high school experience, be prepared to commit to your learning and to develop a growth mindset.
It is especially important for parents/guardians of Grade 8 students deemed exceptional to attend the Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) review meeting. This way, parents/guardians can ask specific questions around what the placement setting means in relation to the IPRC‘s Decision.
…and finally
You are engaged when your courses provide learning experiences that are clearly aligned with your strengths, interests, preferred learning style and aspirations. When this occurs, you have increased chances for success.
You will know if you have made appropriate course and program selections when:
- You are also able to participate in a range of extra-curricular programs in addition to your courses and studies
- You attend school consistently and regularly
- You have a positive mindset to learning and the school experience.
You can maximize engagement, build confidence and have success by personalizing your school program to include courses from all subject areas, particularly in Grades 9 and 10.