Toronto District School Board
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Social and World Studies & the Humanities

In social sciences courses you will learn about individual and collective human behaviour, patterns and trends in society as well as social structures, institutions, relationships and power dynamics. Humanities courses explore questions and ideas about human nature and the human condition through literature and history.

Effective learning in all subjects of the social sciences and humanities curriculum depends on the development of skills and understanding in four areas: Disciplined Inquiry and Critical Literacy, Problem Solving, Understanding of Self and others, and Local and Global Mindedness.

There are five subject areas within social sciences and humanities, including:

  • equity studies
  • family studies
  • general social sciences
  • philosophy
  • world religions

The Ontario Curriculum: Social Sciences and Humanities

Canadian and World Studies 9 – 10

The three compulsory courses in the Grade 9 – 10 Canadian and World Studies  program are:

  • Issues in Canadian Geography
  • Canadian History since World War I
  • Civics and Citizenship

The Ontario Curriculum: Canadian and World Studies (Geography, History, Civics)

Canadian and World Studies 11 – 12

There are five subject areas in Canadian and World Studies, including:

  • Geography
  • History
  • Economics
  • Law
  • Politics

The inquiry process for all the subjects in the Canadian and world studies program are based on the same general model, although terminology, content, concepts of thinking and the types of questions asked vary from subject to subject. The inquiry process consists of five components: formulating questions, gathering and organizing information, evidence, and/or data, interpreting and analyzing information, evidence, and/or data, evaluating information, evidence, and/or data and drawing conclusions and communicating findings and/or plans of action.

The Ontario Curriculum: Canadian and World Studies 11 - 12 (Revised - to be released in Spring 2014)

For more information:

Keethai Tharmaseelan - Program Coordinator, Social and World Studies and the Humanities, ESL/ELD Department


[email protected]