As part of the TDSB Dare2Create Festival, the 4th annual Dare2Dance event will expand this year to include Dare2Speak. This initiative is for secondary students in the TDSB and will occur in four phases beginning at the end of January. The initiative will culminate in a juried selection of student performances:
Dare2Dance & Dare2Speak Final Showcase
May 15, 2014 at 7 p.m.
George Weston Recital Hall
Tickets are free!
RSVP to [email protected]
To date, over 400 students have participated in Dare2Dance and Dare2Speak. The following schools have been selected by a jury of professional dance and spoken word artists to perform in the final showcase on May 15, 2014:
Central Commerce CI
Central Technical School
Lester B. Pearson CI
Marc Garneau CI
Newtonbrook SS
North Albion CI
Northern SS
Silverthorn CI
Victoria Park CI
Westview Centennial SS
York Memorial CI
Dare2Dance & Dare2Speak Materials:
Contact Information:
Dare2Dance, Dare2Speak support:
Lorraine Sutherns, Instructional Leader, Dance & Drama
[email protected]
Janet O'Neill, Performing Arts Convenor
janet.o'[email protected]
Artist Mentor support:
Jane Deluzio, Project Assistant
[email protected]