Toronto District School Board
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Policies, Procedures and Forms

Procedure PR580 - Clean Intermittent Catheterization And Suctioning, Lifting, Positioning, Physical Management And Act 

Objective:  To establish the responsibilities for school health support services shared between the Board and the Community Care Access Centre, Bloorview Kids Rehab and Hospital for Sick Children's, to ensure that no school-aged child is denied access to education because of special health support needs

PDF document (1.8 MB) December 19, 2006

Related Documents

Type and IDDocument Name
- Student Health Support
- Monthly Clean Intermittent Catheterization Record

More Reading Documents

Type and IDDocument Name
- Administration of Prescribed Medication
- Management of Emergency Medical Concerns
- Student Medical Alert

More Reading Links

Policy/Program Memorandum 81

Other References

CCAC-SHSS Guideline
CCAC-SHSS Referral Form

Contact Information

For more information about this document, or to provide feedback, please contact:

Contact Person:
Maria Valente-De Sa (416-394-3155)
Special Education and Inclusion